Wednesday, July 20, 2011

New Coldplay

I generally consider myself a pretty big Coldplay fan, but I have to say that their releases have been less than stellar. I did really enjoy the last album, Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends, and it was certainly better than X&Y, but I can't help but wonder if Coldplay is just one of those bands that put out their best work in their first few albums and have already peaked.

When they released their first single from their upcoming release a few weeks ago, "Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall", I pretty much hated it instantly [even the title makes me want to vom]. It did not give me the warm fuzzies about the new album. However, they've recently released a second single called "Moving to Mars" and I'm not 100% decided on it, but I think I quite like it. What are your thoughts?

They also released another song, "Major Minus", and this one I quite enjoy. You can tell it's Coldplay, but there is a musical growth and separation from the rest of their catalog which is my favorite and, in my humble opinion, the key to success in the music industry. You shouldn't do a complete 180 from the style of music that got you your fan base in the first place, but at the same time, your creative process shouldn't become stagnant or your fans will get bored. I don't want to hear the same album format over and over again just because it was good the first time. Ok, I am now stepping down off my soapbox and sharing "Major Minus" with you.

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