Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Evidently, I am turning into an old lady and for reasons other than the fact that my hip went out last weekend [sadly, that is real]. There are all these new "things" that are the talk of the town and, frankly, I dont know what any of them are. What the eff is "planking"? I realize that Google could probably answer that question for me, but I would prefer if you did. The hot new joke of the week appears to be the "leisure dive" [shout out to Jazelle for educating a granny and sharing these pics ]and these photos made me giggle like crazy. Have YOU done the leisure dive?

Catch me if you can: One participant in the latest craze leisure diving takes a beer down with him

Swim when you're winning: One diver ramps up the excitement at the country club during cocktail hour

Cool and the gang? Perhaps this group of young men have a little too much time on their hands

The double dive: Two friends take a perfectly synchronised plunge

Chilling by the pool: All that's missing is the hammock

Taking your friends down with you: Some well-rehearsed arm work makes for a quality picture

Making a splash: Fear not if your garden doesn't have a pool, leisure diving can still be achieved with a little improvisation

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