Friday, July 22, 2011

A Good Reminder

I think this song is a great reminder to "think good thoughts" and really, it's a pretty great start to the weekend. And yes, I bought the new Colbie Caillat album.

I dont always love Colbie Caillat, despite the fact that I happen to own all of her albums [secrets!]. In the past, she has reminded me of a female Jack Johnson and he kind of annoys the crap out of me. I keep purchasing though because in the middle of numerous hokey island songs, there are usually a handful of hidden gems on her albums ["Fearless" on the Breakthrough album slays me EVERY. TIME.]. I have to say though, her new album All Of You is actually really, really great. Still a lot of happy island music, but as a whole, I think it's a better written album and, yeah, it's making me happy. So there. Haters.

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