Thursday, July 28, 2011

Throwback Thursday

Yeah.....You're welcome.

Bon Iver @ The Ryman

Last night truly had to be one of the best nights of my life. Remember a while back when I said that Heaven was a Mumford & Sons show? Well, Bon Iver is going to be there too and after last night I can 100% confirm that. Any summertime blues I may have been experiencing are officially kapoot. Check out the photos and video below and ye shall see for yourself!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Haven't we already seen this movie? Twice? Disguised as Valentine's Day and He's Just Not That Into You? I mean, seriously, who is working in Hollywood these days? Can we switch them out and get a new batch?


I am absolutely DYING at this video right now. If you are a Michael Buble fan, you might not find it to be that funny [how could you NOT?], but since I'm kind of on the fence about him, I thought it was hilarious. This music actually makes more sense with the video than the original music did! These guys are geniuses.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Um, Dear Summer's Eve,

This is what we would call a MARKETING FAIL. I have not seen these commercials [ do they really exist?], but I'm wondering how it's possible that they could be SO RACIST. Man oh man. Alas, Stephen Colbert never fails to bring the giggles and lighten the mood.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Music Monday Continues.....

with Mona!


In exciting Monday news [for this girl anyway], Jay-Z and Kanye West have confirmed not only that their new collaboration Watch The Throne will be released on August 8th [mark your calendars!], but also that they will be doing a nation wide tour this fall, calling themselves "The Throne". I can't think of a better way to celebrate my birthday than with two of the best rappers alive, can you??

Otis feat. Otis Redding by watchthethrone

The Throne 2011 Tour Dates:
09/22 – Detroit, MI @ Palace of Auburn Hills
09/24 – Toronto, ON @ Air Canada Centre
09/25 – Montreal, QC @ Bell Centre
09/27 – E. Rutherford, NJ @ Izod Center
09/28 – E. Rutherford, NJ @ Izod Center
09/29 – Washington, DC @ Verizon Center
10/04 – Philadelphia, PA @ Wells Fargo Center
10/06 – Chicago, IL @ United Center
10/07 – Chicago, IL @ United Center
10/08 – Minneapolis, MN @ Target Center
10/10 – Denver, CO @ Pepsi Center
10/13 – Tacoma, WA @ Tacoma Dome
10/14 – Vancouver, BC @ Rogers Arena
10/16 – San Jose, CA @ HP Pavilion
10/17 – Sacramento, CA @ Power Balance Pavilion
10/19 – Los Angeles, CA @ Staples Center
10/20 – Los Angeles, CA @ Staples Center
10/21 – Las Vegas, NV @ MGM Grand Garden Arena
10/25 – Dallas, TX @ American Airlines Center
10/26 – Houston, TX @ Toyota Center
10/29 – Atlanta, GA @ Philips Arena
10/30 – Greensboro, NC @ Greensboro Coliseum
11/01 – Baltimore, MD @ 1st Mariner Arena
11/03 – Boston, MA @ TD Garden

Happy Monday!

This video is thanks in part to my hood rat cousins.

Friday, July 22, 2011

A Good Reminder

I think this song is a great reminder to "think good thoughts" and really, it's a pretty great start to the weekend. And yes, I bought the new Colbie Caillat album.

I dont always love Colbie Caillat, despite the fact that I happen to own all of her albums [secrets!]. In the past, she has reminded me of a female Jack Johnson and he kind of annoys the crap out of me. I keep purchasing though because in the middle of numerous hokey island songs, there are usually a handful of hidden gems on her albums ["Fearless" on the Breakthrough album slays me EVERY. TIME.]. I have to say though, her new album All Of You is actually really, really great. Still a lot of happy island music, but as a whole, I think it's a better written album and, yeah, it's making me happy. So there. Haters.


I am SO EXCITED that the teaser trailer for The Dark Knight Rises has finally come out, but I am beyond depressed that we have to wait an entire YEAR for the movie.

What do you think? Are you excited? Dying to see it? Think it will be as good as The Dark Knight?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I love, love, LOVE Wale [shout out to Kwik!]. I'm dying for a new full length album from him . If you haven't check out his last one, Attention Deficit, you should do so NOW.

New Coldplay

I generally consider myself a pretty big Coldplay fan, but I have to say that their releases have been less than stellar. I did really enjoy the last album, Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends, and it was certainly better than X&Y, but I can't help but wonder if Coldplay is just one of those bands that put out their best work in their first few albums and have already peaked.

When they released their first single from their upcoming release a few weeks ago, "Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall", I pretty much hated it instantly [even the title makes me want to vom]. It did not give me the warm fuzzies about the new album. However, they've recently released a second single called "Moving to Mars" and I'm not 100% decided on it, but I think I quite like it. What are your thoughts?

They also released another song, "Major Minus", and this one I quite enjoy. You can tell it's Coldplay, but there is a musical growth and separation from the rest of their catalog which is my favorite and, in my humble opinion, the key to success in the music industry. You shouldn't do a complete 180 from the style of music that got you your fan base in the first place, but at the same time, your creative process shouldn't become stagnant or your fans will get bored. I don't want to hear the same album format over and over again just because it was good the first time. Ok, I am now stepping down off my soapbox and sharing "Major Minus" with you.


If the temperature wasn't hot enough to make you melt, this video might be. Bon Iver has taken one of my favorite songs of all time, Bonnie Raitt's "I Can't Make You Love Me" [which Adele also recently covered], and turned it into his special brand of i'mgoingtomakeyousohappyandsosadallatthesametime music. Here's hoping he does this at the show in Nashville next week.


I love The Cool Kids. I love Ghostface Killah. I love this song.

The Cool Kids - Penny Hardaway (feat. Ghostface Killah) by MsBoomBap

Best Thing

I don't love this video, and I don't always love Beyonce, but I DO love this song. I'm mostly confused as to why she is in lingerie for the first half of it?

What I'm Listening to NOW


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Oh Mio Signore

I wish I could stop watching this shit, but I JUST CAN'T.

What I'm Listening to NOW


Evidently, I am turning into an old lady and for reasons other than the fact that my hip went out last weekend [sadly, that is real]. There are all these new "things" that are the talk of the town and, frankly, I dont know what any of them are. What the eff is "planking"? I realize that Google could probably answer that question for me, but I would prefer if you did. The hot new joke of the week appears to be the "leisure dive" [shout out to Jazelle for educating a granny and sharing these pics ]and these photos made me giggle like crazy. Have YOU done the leisure dive?

Catch me if you can: One participant in the latest craze leisure diving takes a beer down with him

Swim when you're winning: One diver ramps up the excitement at the country club during cocktail hour

Cool and the gang? Perhaps this group of young men have a little too much time on their hands

The double dive: Two friends take a perfectly synchronised plunge

Chilling by the pool: All that's missing is the hammock

Taking your friends down with you: Some well-rehearsed arm work makes for a quality picture

Making a splash: Fear not if your garden doesn't have a pool, leisure diving can still be achieved with a little improvisation

What I'm Listening To Now

We are rapidly approaching the 10th anniversary of Nirvana's groundbreaking Nevermind and I cannot stop listening to it today. I wouldn't say I am the BIGGEST Nirvana fan [I think people get my obsession with Kurt's death- he was murdered, fyi- confused with being a psycho fan], but I do definitely like them and appreciate their catalog and contribution to musical history.

Nirvana - Nevermind

Tunesday Tuesday

So, after a very unexpected hiatus, the blog is BACK. I'm still trying to gather my thoughts a little bit today, and we missed Music Monday, so we're gonna do an edition of Tunesday Tuesday, probably with a little iTunes Shuffle thrown in there. Exciting stuff!

Hope you're all living the easy life. Check back throughout the day for more music!

I'm trying to cleanse the musical palette of my brain after last nights shit show of a concert [more on that later] and Beach House was just the thing to do it!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Fashion Loves

These are my celebrity Fashion Loves of the Day

ZOE'S SALDANA'S WEDGES photo | Zoe Saldana
Zoe Zaldana's entire look. It is a pinch fall, but that is one sassomfort outfit [sassomfort= sassy & comfortable. you're welcome.]

HILARY DUFF'S PURSE photo | Hilary Duff
Hilary Duff's bag. Want it now.

HEIDI KLUM'S TANK TOP photo | Heidi Klum
um, I actually hate this one because Heidi Klum is SO HOT and its unfair, but I love the diva hair flip that her little girl is giving. FABULOUS.

LIV TYLER'S DRESS photo | Liv Tyler
Love the dress, love the shoes, love the smile, love it, love it, LOVE IT. Way to go, Liv Tyler.

NAOMI'S SANDALS photo | Naomi Watts
I do not love that the jacket is covering up the adorable lacey top, but i love the top/short/espi combo.

Love the entire outfit. Perfect for grocery shopping!

SELMA'S CARDIGAN photo | Selma Blair
Love the Balenciaga bag and the Marc Jacobs cardi.

GWEN STEFANI'S MAXI photo | Gwen Stefani
Um, I want this dress and a place to wear it IMMEDIATELY.

Literal LOL

My co-workers think I'm crazy because I am cackling from the comfort of my office. This video is perfect.

Oh Please No

I cannot handle this picture for a number of reasons, but mostly because they are wearing these hats in CANADA!!!

WILD, WILD WEST photo | Kate Middleton, Prince William

At least wait til you get to Texas!!!! And Dear Lord, is Wills wearing WRANGLERS? Heaven help us all. If the monarchy falls to commoner status, I have nothing. NOTHING!


I have no idea how a four day week [actually 3 for me because I was home sick one day!] managed to feel like working a month straight with no break, but this has been the LONGEST week ever. To top it off, the sun isn't shining, it's rainy and stormy, and I'd rather be curled up in my bed watching movies. Never the less, it is FRIDAY, and in my office its a Rolling Stone's kind of Friday. Enjoy what I am listening to below and have a GREAT weekend!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

WSJ Say Whaaaa???

I am officially quitting my job and going back to school to get a tech degree in 5....4......3......2.......

An Open Letter...

Dear Mr. President Barack Obama,

Hi. My name is Your Friend Lela and I'm looking for a new job, specifically one in your office. I came across this list of raises that were given in the White House last year and it seems as though not only do you pay your employees handsomely to be begin with, but you also give very generous raises.

While the motives of such raises might have been questionable if given by certain former Presidents, with you, I truly believe its because you felt your employees deserved them [and they probably do]. Feel free to Direct Message me any time and I will happily send you my resume.

Your Friend Lela

Oh Boy

Is this the new "it bag" of the season or just Valention's face? Zing! Burn!

In all seriousness, the next time that I am even considering leaving the house without sunscreen, I will remember this photo and instantly slather myself in SPF 50.