Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's An Oat Revolution!

Alright everybody, bear with me as I take a step away from the gossip and the music to shamelessly plug an item that has quickly become near and dear to me. Folks, I am talking about instant oatmeal, but not just any instant oatmeal. No, no friends, this is the most delicious instant oatmeal I've ever had. We're talking about Oat Revolution.

A friend of mine posted about Oat Revolution recently on Facebook and it definitely piqued my interest. I've always liked Oatmeal [my mom used to make us actual Oats on the stove all the time when we were kids- yum!], but like many people, I grow weary of the same old boring instant oatmeal after a while. That giant Quaker box from Sams that I always think I need never seems to get used. So my friend posted that it was the most delicious instant oatmeal she'd ever have and that it was really inexpensive.

My first thought was: looks like health food oatmeal. Not that there's anything wrong with that at all, but in my experience, "health foods" are hit or miss. They are either the most delicious thing you've ever tasted, or you'd rather eat toilet paper. There's rarely an in between.

My second thought was: can't be that cheap. The most delicious of the health foods are never the cheapest. Her idea and my idea of cheap had to be completely different. Nonetheless, I made a mental note to check out Oat Revolution on my next grocery store trip.

I popped into Whole Foods on Sunday for a few things and thought, surely they'll have this expensive and healthy oatmeal here. Oddly enough, they didn't. I was perplexed. ON Tuesday, I did some real grocery shopping at a regular ole grocery store and made my way down the cereal aisle hoping for a find. And there it was, in all it's healthy looking glory: Oat Revolution! And you wanna know what? It was as inexpensive as my friend had said. 5 for $5 in fact! So I snatched up a few different flavors: Maple & Brown Sugar, Strawberries and Cream, and Cinnamon and Spice.

I started in on the Maple & Brown Sugar box yesterday morning and, folks, let me tell you, this stuff is DELICIOUS. It really does taste like stove top oats with brown sugar like my mom used to make. It's outrageously filling and, as it turns out, IS good for you too. I can't wait to finish this box off so I can try another flavor.

The moral of this story is ultimately that my friend was right, now I'm right too, and you CAN believe everything you read on Facebook.

And no, I was not paid to promote this product, but yes, I would take a lifetime supply for free.

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