Friday, February 18, 2011

Britney, Britney, Britney

Ohhhh Britney. Really with this video? Really? I made it no secret that I wasn't a fan of this song when it was released a while back, but this video just adds insult to injury. Talk a look and lets discuss below.

Ok, the first annoying thing about this video is the PRODUCT PLACEMENT. I get it, product placement happens and is often necessary to fund the music videos of today, but yeesh oh yeesh, dont you think you guys could've been a pinch more subtle with it? The plug was by far the worst. Couldn't they have been a little bit more creative with how they included it in the vid? The Creative Director for this video should be taken out back and shot.

I also think its pretty interesting how many camera cuts they have to do during the dance sequences. Everyone remember when BritBrit was one of the best dancers around? Now they wont even put the cameras on her because she can't keep up. Being an aging pop star must really be a hard thing for a person.

Can we also address the 10 foot tall white dress with paint all over it and the very odd and out of place female wrestling scene? Did Jayden and Sean Preston come up with the ideas for this video? Come on! You are worth, like, a bajillion dollars. Can't we get some people in here that know what they're doing??

I also find it HILARIOUS that the title of her new album is Femme Fatale. The actual definition of Femme Fatale is "a mysterious and seductive woman whose charms ensanre her lovers in gonds of irresistable desire, often leading them into compromising, dangerous, and deadly situations".

Does this look like a Femme Fatale to you?

Didn't think so.

Britney, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but it might be time to figure out some other "talents". Your breed of pop star is a dying form, and I can see the life slipping out of your career as we speak.

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