Tuesday, December 14, 2010

While We're Making Wishes.....

I want twelve year olds to look like twelve year olds again. Case in point:

elle fanning somewhere nyc premiere 05
Elle Fanning.

Now mind you, she's adorable. Nothing she is wearing is inappropriate per say, but she doesn't exactly look twelve. If I had to take a stab at her age, I would've guessed more in the 17-18 range. I'm not saying she needs to be wearing frilly dresses and white patent Mary Janes with socks, I'm just saying that 6 inch heels might not be the best thing for her still growing and developing body. I don't mean to get on a soapbox, but I think that girls are becoming too over sexualized at way too young of an age. There's nothing wrong with a pair of ballet flats children.

I hate to say it, but this twelve year old could learn a few things from Taylor Swift. Ok, actually, maybe Taylor Swift could learn a few things from this twelve year old. ZING!

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