Thursday, December 16, 2010

This Week In Break Ups....

While some of us are rejoicing after hearing the news of Splitsgate 2010 [*cough* Britton *cough*] others of us are going "whaaaaaaa??????". What is it about the holidays that just makes people think they gotta have some freedom coming in the form of a ripped up marriage license or flushing a promise ring [I'm looking at you Vanessa Hudgens].

If you've been living under a rock and haven't heard, three well known celebrity couples have officially called it quits this week.

The first couple to announce their split was Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens.
Man I bet they are PISSED that even in this time of sadness, two other more high profile couples showed them up with their splits. Some have said that there were pressures for him to put a ring on it, but a recent blind item makes me think differently.

There have been several celebrity couple breakups lately and we just got word about the reason for one of them. This recent breakup allegedly happened because the male partner in the relationship visited one too many strip clubs in the past few months and ended up having a brief affair with one of the dancer

Zac confirms the "visit" on Jimmy Kimmel.

Hmm. Me thinks "Van" won't be quite so trusting in the future.

The second couple to announce their split was Michael C. Hall and Jennifer Carpenter.
This notorious on screen brother and sister pair have been married for two years and ALLEGEDLY are getting divorced because Dexter has a boner for Julia Stiles.

Check out this blind item from a few days ago:

I mentioned yesterday that there are a few more details about one of the recent splits announced in Hollywood this week. Turns out there was someone else: his love interest this season on his tv show. Their chemistry was so crazy and so evident to everyone that writer and producers, seeing it play out on set, actually cranked up their sex scenes to capture it for show. Her career has seen a resurgence since.

Eventually the two fell in love. They were together, very close, at a Halloween party in New York this fall hosted by a famously controversial writer (this isn’t a super important detail) and those who observed them that night are not surprised now that he’s ended it with his wife.

I mean Julia and Jennifer are both slightly janky looking in the face, but at least Jennifer looks like a grown ass woman. Julia Stiles looks exactly the same as she did in Save the Last Dance [which, frankly, is one of my favorite movies, so I ain't hatin].

Their official statement said: "Having been distant for a little time, Jennifer Carpenter and Michael C Hall have filed for divorce".

Listen, if you're going to cheat on the woman who stood by you while you had cancer, then I think you're kind of a despicable piece of shit. Just my personal opinion.

The Third Couple to announce their split was Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynolds.

People act surprised that they're getting divorced, but frankly, the surprise to me was that they got married in the first place! What do a New Jersey girl and a Canadian have in common? NOTHING. That's what.

Their official statement said: "After long and careful consideration on both our parts, we've decided to end our marriage. We entered our relationship with love and it's with love and kindness we leave it. While privacy isn't expected, it's certainly appreciated."

OMG, I love the snarkiness that exists even in the break up statement. I would expect nothing less from Scarlett Johansson. Also, I'm wondering how long and careful the consideration could have been when they were just photographed together over Thanksgiving? Seems sketch to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would like to thank you for your video. He is still numero uno. I would be his private dancer.