Thursday, September 2, 2010

DJ Tanner called......

I am beyond uber excited for the fashions that are coming out for fall. Denim is back with a vengeance, especially jackets and cut off vests [granted, my jean jacket never went anywhere] and penny loafers and oxfords are all the rage. I am on board with all of these looks, but I feel like I must warn that they must be worn in moderation, lest you look like you're off to Kimmie Gibler's birthday party.

Case in point- Jessica Alba.

I'll admit, there's something about this outfit that makes me nostalgic to the point of almost liking it, but in reality, its just too much at once. A sweater dress, an acid washed denim jacket, less than opaque tights and penny loafers- how rude! I think what's great about these pieces coming back into style at this point in fashion is that you can really use them to juxtapose a look. Put a denim jacket over a bright colored romper with a pair of wedges [gotta make good use of these last days of summer!], pair the loafers with a pair of cuffed skinny jeans and a sequined tank. This look almost makes too much sense and I think that's why it seems out of place.

Penny loafers that are fun for fall:

A fun twist on a traditional shoe. These ain't yo mama's penny loafers:

Or check out this traditional pair from JCrew.

G.H. BassĀ® & Company penny loafers

There is one look from the 90s that I fully support making a comback- the floral dress [long or shot] with a denim vest or jacket. Maybe I'm the one who's crazy now, but I can't get enough of this look.

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