Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Next Big Nashville Selects

Here are just a few of my Next Big Nashville selects for this weeks festival. More to come! Check out the full lineup and schedule at www.nbnsummit.com/listings/music-lineup/

Monday, September 27, 2010

Thank You Apple...

For reminding us all how awesome Cake is in your new Shuffle commercials. Here's another Cake favorite of mine.

Oh Boy


Bear With Me

I'm moving a little slow today, but I promise to get you the music you deserve!

New Music Monday

So, in the past, I haven't loved KT Tunstall. I haven't hated her, I just haven' t loved her. But, thanks to AOL Music, I've been listening to her upcoming album Tiger Suit this morning and I'm really enjoying it.

Check it out here and let me know what you think!

Friday, September 24, 2010

But I Thought He Was Straight??

I would normally hit Lenny Kravitz with a quickness, but this...?

Booboo, you kinda startin to look like Derek J from the Real Housewives of ATL.
derekj-1.jpg image by ybfchic

Watch your step Lenny. Watch your step.

Friday, September 17, 2010

This Is Not the Blair Waldorf We Know and Love

Who DIDN'T See This Coming?

Lindsay Lohan has barely been out of the pokey for a month, and she's already been hitting that good stuff again. TMZ has confirmed that Lindsay failed a court mandated drug test that she took last week. This violation of her probation could [ahem, SHOULD] land her back in jail for 30 days.

This makes me wonder- if you just got out of jail and rehab and you have everyone rooting for you and wanting you to get better, wouldn't you at least have the presence of mind to get some clean pee for that cup???

Oh Boy

That ponytail is out of control, but that little boy sure is cute!!

Don't Take This the Wrong Way

WARNING. I actually kind of like Jessica Simpson. There, I said it. Sure, her music is shit [and so are most of her movies], but she's outrageously entertaining and I like her shoes. Also, I think she's ridiculously pretty and carries her newfound weight gain very well.

However........she looks pregnant in this picture, right?

I'm not just being hateful and crazy? She legit looks pregnant. That isn't really a "oops, I gained 20 pounds" kind of belly. If she really is pregnant [and boy do i hope she is], there better be a new reality show to cover the entire thing.

He Was Faking It?

Big Deal. I still wouldn't say no.

We're So Young Baby!

Listen to these J Roddy songs and ENJOY your weekend.

*Editors Note: Jo Roddy Walston is best chased with Jonathan Tyler and the Northern Lights.

Is This Real Life?? Is This Gonna Be Forever??

Oh boy, I'm pretty super jazzed about this.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Funniest Thing I've Seen In Awhile

It's Just Around the Corner...

Dave Barnes is putting out a Christmas album! Sigh. I'm so happy right now.

More Happiness

I've been on this shiz for awhile now [as I'm sure you all have been as well], but for some reason I haven't posted any. I purchased this cd a little over a month ago right before I went on vacation, and it was definitely the soundtrack to my endless drive. I've included a couple of my fave songs below. Check out the entire cd, Brothers.

Making Me Happy Today.....

Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros

Regarding last nights VMAs.....

They were definitely the worst VMAs that I've ever seen. Total and complete snoozefest, and Chelsea Handler did not do a good job of letting people see how funny she is.

I will say, however, that all the poptarts should pay close attention to Florence and the Machine's performance. THAT is how you do interesting. THAT is how you sing live. THAT is true musical art. She sounded great and the performance concept was really well done. She didn't need to have fake blood splattered all over her to make it seem cool and artsy.

Also, what was with the Taylor Swift dig at Kanye? That was pretty interesting right? I didn't hate the song, but I didn't like the message. For 12 months she's taken the high road on the situation and I think that the only thing she achieved last night was setting herself back a step and confusing people. Kanye West did not interfere with her career one little bit with his antics last year and that's because she didn't let him....until now. Get out of your head, Taylor. It was dramatic at the time, but in the grand scheme of things it wasn't that big of a deal. Let that one go.

What'd you think about the VMAs?


Let's start our week with some new Kings of Leon, shall we?

PS- How'd they get all those little kids to be in this video?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Oh My Geez

Whoever is currently doing marketing for Toyota is BRILLIANT.

Get It Nashville

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually can't wait to hear this soundtrack.

I Have Hope....Inside Is Not a Heart, but a Kaleidoscope!

As it turns out, I'm really terrible this whole blogging thing. I've had the new Sara Bareilles album Kaleidoscope Heart for a little over a week now and I've been DYING to share a few select tracks with you guys but the album wasn't anywhere on the web yet and, well, I'm not really that tech savvy. I'm also not very grammar savvy based on that ridiculous run on sentence.

Aaaaaanyway, I like to think that I have pretty versatile taste in music. I don't discriminate between genres or genders and will give pretty much anything a chance. But there is one thing that is undeniable; I LOVE a good break up album and that, ladies and gentlemen, is what we have here.

This album is completely based on breaking up [with a few record label angst songs thrown in for good measure], but it isn't at all depressing. Gonna Get Over You is the third track on the album, and possibly the most upbeat and fun. The chorus says "How am I gonna get over you? I'll be alright, just not tonight. But someday. Ooh, I wish you'd want me to stay." Out of the context of the song, those lyrics are pretty depressing, but toss in bright piano ditties and some old fashioned harmonies and you'll find yourself actually feeling pretty upbeat . We then go straight into a hard core breakupididn'tmeantoleaveyoubutdidn'tknowhowtostay type of song called "Hold My Heart" that is essentially an updated Celine Dion song from the mid- 90s [and when i say updated i mean that this song is AMAZING].

Break up albums can be tricky [especially as sophomore albums] because people almost always want to relate to them even when they actually can't. It can be hard listening to a break up album and really understanding it when you are in a happy relationship. But there is not a single song on this album that won't strike a chord with at least someone. There are many that resonate with me, and I've shared a few of my favorites with you below.

So buy the album, listen to it loud [like when you're alone], and tell me which song is your fave. I fully recommend giving "Basketcase" [Track 8] a listen before hitting the rest of the album. Enjoy!

1283458152_1cover.jpeg (500×454)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I Mean, Really?

Really with this? There's a smoky eye and then there's.........I don't even know what to call this. It's beyond raccoon eyes. This girl is one hot mess. Have fun at your mom's Little J. Don't bother coming back to Brooklyn.

And Now I Will Become a Vegetarian

Thank you PETA for your brilliant subliminal brainwashing, courtesy of Vogue Japan. I have now seen the error of my ways and, frankly, have no interest in eating meat ever again.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Things I'm Loving For Fall

Happy Belated Labor Day! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Even though it's technically still summer, I can't help but think that fall is officially upon us; after all, pumpkin lattes and muffins have made their way back to all local coffee shops. Isn't that the official cue for leaves to start changing?

Just thought I'd share with you kitties what I'm loving for fall. I'm am currently beyond obsessed with Tarte's LipSurgenece Lip Stain Matte Line. I personally like mine in Fiery, which is a yummy Red shade, but they come in a variety. It's a lip that's good for day or night, just make sure you put on at least 3 coats so you get that super rich matte look.

The only issue I have with the seasons changing from summer to fall [ I LOVE Fall!] is my nail colors. I'm a huge fan of the bright colors that come with summer. Dark is fine too, but it's a bit of an adjustment for me. That's why I love this color below from OPI called "Ski Teal We Drop". It's not super dark [ a la Lincoln Park After Dark], but isn't quite as bright as the summery greens and blues we saw this year. You can currently find this color on my nails and toes- I might be kind of obsessed with it. I used two coats when using it, which makes it quite a bit darker than it seems in the bottle, but it's still pretty gorgeous.

And my third favorite thing for fall is the new Sara Bareilles album, Kaleidoscope Heart. If you loved her debut Little Voices then you are bound to obsessed with her sophormore album [more posts to follow on this]. The album is instores and online everywhere TODAY, so pick up a copy asap. You won't regret it.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

DJ Tanner called......

I am beyond uber excited for the fashions that are coming out for fall. Denim is back with a vengeance, especially jackets and cut off vests [granted, my jean jacket never went anywhere] and penny loafers and oxfords are all the rage. I am on board with all of these looks, but I feel like I must warn that they must be worn in moderation, lest you look like you're off to Kimmie Gibler's birthday party.

Case in point- Jessica Alba.

I'll admit, there's something about this outfit that makes me nostalgic to the point of almost liking it, but in reality, its just too much at once. A sweater dress, an acid washed denim jacket, less than opaque tights and penny loafers- how rude! I think what's great about these pieces coming back into style at this point in fashion is that you can really use them to juxtapose a look. Put a denim jacket over a bright colored romper with a pair of wedges [gotta make good use of these last days of summer!], pair the loafers with a pair of cuffed skinny jeans and a sequined tank. This look almost makes too much sense and I think that's why it seems out of place.

Penny loafers that are fun for fall:

A fun twist on a traditional shoe. These ain't yo mama's penny loafers:

Or check out this traditional pair from JCrew.

G.H. Bass® & Company penny loafers

There is one look from the 90s that I fully support making a comback- the floral dress [long or shot] with a denim vest or jacket. Maybe I'm the one who's crazy now, but I can't get enough of this look.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lady Gaga Is Everywhere!

I don't remember the bell tower at Belmont ever playing pop music, but this is kind of incredible. Watch the video below where the bell tower at Iowa State University chimes out Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" instead of the regular ole "ding. ding. ding. it's nooon."