Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Best Videos.......Continued!

Let's keep going with the best music videos of 2009.

#6 is held by The Avett Brothers, "Slight Figure of Speech". I happen to be a big fan of this one myself.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


The #7 Best Video of 2009 belongs to Chairlift for "Evident Utensil".

Merry Christmas......Happy Holidays

Free Music

That's cheap!

For all you Paper Route fans, they have a new, FREE, 3 song Christmas EP out.

Isn't it cute? Download the music HERE

Best Videos Continued....

I present to you, the Number Eight best video of 2009, Manchester Orchestra's "Shake it Out". In my opinion, it's #1, but whatevs SPIN.

You Should Know By Now....


I dont even care who the B list actor was, i just know he's kind of awesome. Killing dreams, one four year old at a time.

If you were at The Mall Of America this weekend in Minneapolis you might have seen this very good looking B- list actor from one of those network initial shows. He was walking through the mall when a woman stopped him and asked our actor for his autograph. No problem. The actor obliged and even took a photo. So, where is the Jackass behavior? Well, the actor asked the woman what she was doing in the mall. What, is this like pick up time? Anyway, she pointed down to her 4 year old twins and said they were about to get in line to see Santa. The actor then bent down to the kids and said, "You should know by now there is no Santa." He then walked away. (CDAN)

Best Videos of 2009....


The #9 Best Video of 2009 is.........She & Him "Why Do You Let Me Stay Here"

This Is Not Real

I feel like I'm watching a Christopher Guest movie here. This show is AMAZING! And by amazing i mean, pretty ridiculous.

Watch for the jazz hands!


I guess Rihanna wasn't tooooo embarassed when those nudie pics of her leaked, because here she is AGAIN, nude on the cover of a national mens magazine. What will her mama think?


Guys- I really suck at blog life right now. I'M SORRY. I'm trying desperately to get back in the groove. Today I'll be posting periodically Spins Top 10 Music Videos of 2009. Isn't it kind of sad that Spin, a print publication, has to put out their Top 10 videos. Shouldn't MTV or Vh1 be doing that since.......well, I dunno, since they're the Videos channels? Call me crazy.

ANYWHO, here's Spins #10 best video of 2009, Depeche Mode's "Wrong".

Depeche Mode - Wrong - directed by Patrick Daughters from Bruno Dejonghe on Vimeo.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Holy Cannoli

Remember when Mariah Carey used to be so pretty?? Me too. She looks kind of like a cross dresser in this video- and THAT'S coming from a huge fan. This video is pointless, but I adore the song so I'm posting anyway.


Do NOT go to Norway!!! There is some spooky scary Alien-esque bullshit going on over there. Have you seen these pictures?
Strange spiral: Residents in northern Norway were left stunned after the lightshow, which almost looked computer-generated, appeared in the skies above them

NO ONE KNOWS WHAT IT IS!!!! Not the scientists, not the military, NOOOOOOOO ONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNE. Start digging your shelters right now because if this thing shows up in MY sky, I am NOT sticking around to find out what it is. I'm going underground!

F**king Love This

I've totally sucked at posting lately and I COMPLETELY failed at Music Monday this week, so I'm trying to make it right by posting at least a few cool things today. I'm the biggest fan of mixes and mashups, so my gift to you today is "Southerngold", a mashup of Santigold's album mixed with various hip hop songs. Enjoy!

I Need More Kermit

This video absolutely made me cry tears. Tears of joy and laughter that is! HILARIOUS. I'm not sure how long this video has been around, but I'm PISSED that I just now saw it. Favorite part? "MAMA..............................MAMA...............................DADA?". Oh man. Enjoy!

Big Sigh

There was a lot of really awesome music on Late Night TV last night.......and I missed all of it. HISS. Thank Jebus [ or should I say Al Gore??] for the Internet.

Check out Passion Pit on Jimmy Kimmel and BlakRoc on Letterman [Yes, Letterman. Whoever books his talent must be AWESOME].

Monday, December 7, 2009


I'm trying guys, I'm trying. Music Monday will probably not be too active today, but let me see if I can get something on here. Chris Browns new album, Graffiti, is available on MTVs site, The Leak. Check it out and let me know what you think. He's sorry y'all!

In Honor of the Weekend....

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Justin Timberlake has Spencer Pratt hair! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Is this gonna be forever???

Man, I hope not. That hair belongs on NOBODY. It looks like flesh colored worms are crawling all over his head Meduca style. No thanks and No thanks JT. This better be for that dumb Facebook moving you're making [that no one is going to go see. Find a real script. Sheesh] .

Monday, November 30, 2009

New Paramore Video

Paramore recently released a video for their most recent single "Brick by Boring Brick". I gotta be honest- its weird. I dont fully get the concept, the little girl is a terrible video actress, and it has a midget in it. That's an automatic thumbs down for me. However, I do love this song and I gotta say, Hayley Williams looks like hot stuff in this vid! By hot stuff, I mostly mean she looks JUST LIKE Quinn from Glee [real name unknown and I dont care enough to look it up]. Anyone follow me on that?

Anywho, Here's the vid. Thoughts?

Hold the Phone

Boyz II Men have a new cd? What the what?? Oh, oh don't worry. It's all COVER songs. SNOOOOOOZE FEEEEEEEEEST. Here are some highlights.

We WILL Finish Music Monday

And we will finish it with a bang.

and a little Christmas music for good measure.

So Let's Do This

Dear Ashley Olsen

Why? Why, why, why? You are sooo pretty. Why do you INSIST on wearing hideous things? You usually come out looking better than Mary-Kate, but STARS IN HEAVEN this outfit is just not working for you [specifically the shoes.].

I just thought you should know.

Dear Heidi Klum

Why oh why must you have the most gorgeous family of all time?

That baby is so cute it doesn't even look real. Hello knockout! I gotta get some German in my genes so that I dont have to wear makeup everyday- homegurl looks perdy.

Miike Snow Music Monday


Since I am waaaaay behind on my Music Monday posts, I thought I'd really bring the awesome for you. I present to you.....Blakroc. Album in Stores now, or check out Blakroc Radio here.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Now We All Know.....

That I am not a big fan of Lady Gaga. Heck, I'm not a fan at all. But she looks so GLAM here. Why doesn't she ALWAYS dress normal and have normal hair/makeup? She's sooo pretty. Don't hide it Gags- flaunt it girl. Most of the time you just look freaking ridiculous. This is a nice change.

This Outfit Looks Dangerous

Uh, Hey Boo

Yummy. Happy Thanksgiving to Me!


Now, I'll be the first to tell you, I quite enjoy Leighton Meester, but I do NOT like this song. However, it is quite refreshing to know that she can actually sing live. All this time I just assumed that she was auto-tuned up in the studio. Turns out, girl actually has some skills. Maybe her next single will be a bit more catch and will feature her actually "singing" instead of talking.

If You Think...

....that I will not be watching this show, you are DEAD. WRONG.

Reason Number....

156,987,654,897 that the Twilight craze is out of hand. People are starting to BELIEVE. They are BITING other people. That is gross, weird, uncomfortable, and most importantly GROSS AND WEIRD.

The vampire action got a little too real for one "New Moon" fan when she went to the theater to catch the blockbuster movie. Erin Westrate was sitting behind a 'creepy' 30 to 40-year-old man who kept turning around making sexual comments to her:

"Every so often if I said something or my friend said something he would lean back and make a sexual comment that was very unnecessary and not needed," says Erin.

As if that wasn't bad enough, when she was waiting in line to leave the theater after the movie finished, he grabbed her by the hair, pulled her down, and bit the back of her neck. Luckily, he didn't break the skin. Police are still searching for the creepy culprit.

Aliens Attack!

Did anyone stay up late last week and catch the meteor shower? I did not [2 am is late for this grandma], but after seeing the videos below I will. It looks like aliens are attacking! Spooky-scary!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Don't Tell My Family!

I can only imagine the shenanigans that would happen if my family were to partake in one of these turkeys....

Paul Hurley, A local Irish bar and tavern owner in Manhattan is bringing a new twist for the Thanksgiving Holiday by unveiling the nation's first 100 proofturkey which is infused with fruit flavored and 100 proof Georgi vodka. TheTurkey takes three days to prepare for the Holiday. 100 proof vodka is infused in the bird for three days before the final cooking. Peach, Raspberry, Cherry and Apple flavored vodka's are also part of the turkeys base.

100 proof vodka is also lightly placed in the gravy as well. No one under 21 is allowed to join the feast. The bar is also including a free taxi ride in the city for those who order the holiday specialty. The turkey has been unveiled at a Media Conference with 100 proof vodka being infused today (11/23) at O'Casey's Tavern on 22 East 41st Street between Fifth and Madison Avenue. 212-685-6807.

The day before thanksgiving is known as one of the busiest drinking days of the years and the partying d oes not stop for everyone. Mothers Against Drunk Driving had concerns about this delight during it's concept. Dozens of bar patrons have already pre-ordered the turkey. The Turkey will be available for the first time for consumption and eating at the same time. Georgi Vodka plans on placing the recipe at every liquor store in the nation.

That Was Fast!

Man, it didn't take long for Katherine Heigl to switch into "Mom- Mode", did it? Check out that momalicious hair-do. She looks like a young Cybil Shepard, and lets be clear, that is NOT a good thing.

I gots mad love for Katherine Heigl though, and that baby could NOT be any cuter. Do the mom thing!

Good Morning Tuesday!

This video made my heart smile. It actually kind of reminds me of me when I was little, except I was singing Sandi Patty songs. Don't ask.

Monday, November 23, 2009

A Christmas Playlist For Sarah

For Verlinda

In Case You Weren't in the Christmas Spirit Yet...

....this should help. Oh Macy's, you know just how to pull at our heartstrings.

Mute Math Music Monday

Dear Mute Math,

Why are you so awesome?

Your Friend Lela


MUTEMATH | MySpace Music Videos

I Mean...

Why wouldn't you? Let's pick this Music Monday up a little bit.

Seemed Like a Good Monday....

....for some Bon Iver.

I Was Not Entertained...

I was mostly confused and somewhat aghast. I mean, it's one thing to be edgy, but this is a bit much dont you think? I never thought I'd say this, but I'd prefer to watch a Lady Gaga performance than have to see Adam Lamberts shitty AMAs performance again. It would have somewhat made up for it if he actually SOUNDED good, but alas he. did. NOT. I didn't religiously watch the last season of American Idol, but from what I did see, it seemed as though Adam might actually have some talent, but this is just ridiculous. I'll guarantee you right now that I wont be buying this single- not because he's too EDGY, but because the song is shit. In case you missed it last night, here is Lambert's AMAs performance.


If Ya Don't Know, Now Ya Know

Rated R

And in this case "R" stands for.......Racy? Ridiculous? Random? Did anyone see Rihanna's AMAs performance? It was.......interesting. I was a little surprised that she didn't sing "Russian Roulette" since that is the lead single of the new album, but oh well. I'm just not sure that these new songs are translating well to the stage. Did you catch her performance?

You're Welcome

Your Daily Dose Of Key Change...

Welcome to Music Monday.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Dear Joel McHale...

Love me!

Marry me!!

Music Monday Playlist


Are You A Shopaholic?

When I first saw the article "Seven Signs You're a Shopaholic", I thought to myself "Uh-oh". But, as it turns out, I think I'm healthier than I thought when it comes to shopping. If you are worried about someone you love being a shopping addict, check out the 7 points below. If you answer yes to 5 or may be time to call TLC and get your loved one on an episode of Intervention.

1. You buy things even though you can't afford them.
Ok, this isn't totally fair. EVERYONE buys things they can't afford. I can't really afford to eat off the Dollar Menu at McDonalds, but from time to time I do it anyway. I refuse to believe that this makes me a Shopaholic.

2. You believe others would be horrified if they found out about your spending habits.
I believe that my MOTHER would be horrified if she found out about my spending habits. If I spend more than $20 on a pair of shoes, she nearly flips her lid. Um, dear mother- this isn't the Great Depression anymore. Shoes no longer cost ten cents.

3. You write checks even though you know there's not enough in the bank to cover them.
Ok, I can say with all honesty that i DO NOT do this- mostly because its 2009 and no one writes checks anymore.

4. If you have any money left at the end of a pay period, you feel compelled to spend it.
I definitely don't do this because there is no such thing as "leftover money" in my life. Next question!

5. You make only the minimum payments on your credit-card statements (if you make any at all).
Ok, I definitely make all my credit card payments, but I tend to be guilty of only paying the minimum payment. Hmmmmmm. Maybe I should re-evaluate my "non illness".

6. You feel anxious or nervous on days you don't go shopping.
Definitely untrue! However, I "fake shop" online nearly everyday. Does that count as shopping??

7. You buy things to make yourself feel better.

New Rihanna Music Monday

Check out a couple of songs from Rihanna's upcoming album "Rated R", out next Monday.

Thoughts? I think the new cd is pretty good so far, but I'm still on my first listen through. Its much more rock and edgy than the last album- definitely a much darker sound than the pop anthem "Umbrella".

Here's Rihannas new video for "Russian Roulette". I'm not gonna lie to you, I find this video to be a little uncomfortable, mostly because it seems deeply personal. It's obviously not a play by play of what happened the night of the "incident", but I think the song and the video are definitely intended to portray how Rihanna felt during and after.

MUSIC MONDAY featuring Your Daily Dose of Key Change

What better way to start our day and our week than with a Phil Collins song that has an amazing key change? I can't think of anything better myself...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Christina Has A New Look

What do you think?

Dear Taylor Momsen, welcome to your future.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Mute Math Music Monday

It has been quite the fabulous month of music [and it's only getting better from here!]. Last night I hit up the Mute Math show at War Memorial Auditorium and let me just tell you: it. was. GOOD. If you ever have a chance to see these guys in concert, GO. Even if you don't necessarily like their recorded music, you will absolutely be entertained at the show. Their set was just shy of two hours and it was stupid good.

I saw them a couple of years ago when they were in Nashville last and while that show was also really good, the lead singer Paul was actually quite sick. It didn't ruin the show by any means but you could just kind of tell how incredibly awesome it would be if he was completely well. Well, last night we all saw what a MuteMath show is like when everyone is well. DAYUM. It was good. Darren King, the drummer, is just stupid good at what he does. One of my favorite parts of the show was when Darren was wailing on a bass drum, then places it on the hands of the crowd, climbs on top of it, the does a backwards dive into the hands of the crowd. It looks a little something like this

Go see their show. In the meantime, have a little listen below!



JM Music Monday

Shuffle Music Monday Resumes

Hilarious Music Monday

The fact that this guy dances at the bus stop on a regular basis absolutely SLAYS me. Thanks to Reid for this vid.

Do As I Say, Not As I Do...

Dear Friends,

I have good news. The new John Mayer album "Battle Studies" has leaked. Now, now, here's the thing- I DO NOT condone illegal downloading. However, I do, on occasion, participate in "Album Previewing" [thats what I call it to make myself feel better], but I ONLY do it when I am committed to actually purchasing the album when it is released.

That being said, I'm pretty pumped about this leak. I'm going to do a FULL album recap for you and maaaaybe share a bit of the music. we go!!

1. Heartbreak Warfare
Definitely digging this song. Mayer put a really cool video of this up on his site a couple of weeks ago, so I've been jamming to these for a few days. I'd say this song is a little more in the "Continuum" vein, and I really, really like it. In my mind, this song is definitely about Jennifer Aniston, and it makes me very sad that she broke my Mayer's heart. One of the lines that I find particularly interesting is, "Good to know its all a game"- seriously?? That is distressing. You are 31 and she is 40 and there are STILL games being played? I guess I just always assumed that at a certain age the "game playing" ends. It's very upsetting to me that that isn't the case. Regardless, this song is my jam. Grade: A.

2. All We Ever Do Is Say Goodbye
Definitely loving this song. It's old school Mayer style meets new school Mayer production. Vocally, this song is really, really......something? Soothing maybe. Smooth. His voice is superb here. I'll take it. Grade: A+

3. Half of My Heart
Oh, the very much dreaded song featuring Taylor Swift [stay tuned for a recap of her SNL performance]. Dang it, this song is GOOD. Ugh. Taylor doesn't have a huge roll, she mostly sings the harmony BGVs in the chorus and at the end of the song gets one little solo "ooooooooh". This song is definitely in the "Room for Squares/ Heavier Things" vein. I know a lot of people that didn't like "Heavier Things" but I am not one of them. Another really good song. Well done, Mayer. Grade: A++.

4. Who Says
Ahhh, the lead single. I'm sure you're all pretty familiar with "Who Says" by now. I gotta say, this isn't my favorite single Mayer's ever released or my favorite song on the album. It's kind of simple for him. He's a great songwriter and has a skill for intricate lyrics, but this song is pretty basic. It's grown on me a lot since it was first released, but feel free to skip it if you'd like. Grade: B-

5. Perfectly Lonely
Another "Heavier Things" style of song. This song displays Mayer's unique writing skills that I was talking about. THIS is more like it Mayer. Grade: A
6. Assassin
Oh Mayer- way to perpetuate the "douchebag" stereotype that the bloggers so love to give you. In "Assassin", our buddy John sings about making the girls fall for him, and leaving before the sun comes up. Oh, but wait- take another listen guys-[SPOILER ALERT] SHE was an assassin too. This song is clever- very clever. "I'm an assassin and I had a job to do, little did I know that girl was an assassin too". This song has a cool xylophone vibe to it. It's more in the "Continuum" vein than anything, but I think I'll call it "progressive". New Mayer. Done. Grade: A.

7. Crossroads
Jonny Lang- is that you? This song is very, very bluesy- think a "live" Mayer show. It's also got a hint of something else.....Americana maybe? This song is kind of fun and different, but isn't my favorite. Grade: B+

8. War of My Life
The opening lick makes me think "Ryan Adams". Something tells me that hard core Adams fans will stone me for that, but lets call a spade a spade. Vocally its nothing like RA, but just listen to the music and slow it down a few beats and I think you'll hear what I mean. This is another "Room for Squares" style song. Am I crazy that I, again, hear a bit of a country/Americana influence in this song? At first listen, this song doesn't just GRAB me- I don't dislike it, but I'm not automatically wanting to listen to it again. I think that with a few more listens it really will grow on me. Grade: B

9. Edge of Desire
Ok, initially, LOVING this song. On "Continuum", one of my favorite songs was "I Don't Trust Myself With Loving You" largely in part to the really interesting guitar riff at the beginning. This song isn't similar to "IDTMWLY", but it has a really cool lick. Liking this one a lot. Grade: A.

10. Do You Know Me
Interesting. This one, musically, almost sounds like a Joni Mitchell song. Again, I don't dislike this one by any means, I actually do quite like it, but I'm not sure that it will be a favorite of mine. Grade: B.

11. Friends, Lovers or Nothing
This is the old school style Mayer that I know and love. "There'll never be an in between, so give it up". BURN. Loving this one. "Anything other than a yes is no". Grade: A

OVERALL GRADE: A! [ I think. I wasn't a math major. Sue me.]

The long and short of it is, if you're a Mayer fan then this new album WILL NOT disappoint. Please, please, please be sure to purchase when the cd is released next Tuesday, the 17th.

I Mean....

....if this doesn't make your Monday awesome, nothing will.

iPod Shuffle Music Monday

Alright Ladies and Gents, here's your music. I had a request for a playlist and per usual, I have delivered. There was absolutely no thought put into the song selection or the order of this playlist-- the iPod did ALL the work. Hope you enjoy!

It's Monday- Do You Know Where Your Music Is?

It's time for Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusic Mondaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. We've got lots of things to discuss and lots of things to review, but lets kick it off with a bit of Music, shall we? Ready......GO!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Taylor Swift is a Dream Stealer! There- I said it! Somebody had to.

I wanted to be a white female rapper.

I wanted to sing on John Mayer's new album.

I wanted to host SNL!


Nevertheless, these promos for her upcoming SNL appearance made me laugh. Let's give credit where credit is due [ *cough* Bill Hader *cough*]

Dear Chris Brown....

Stop trying to look like Kanye. That look hasn't worked out so well for him, and he is the actual Kanye.


Also, you look gay.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Um, Hey Rihanna's New Video

Looks like the wait is over indeeeeeeeed.

For My Coffee Lovers.....

I'm about to blow your mind. I'm sure you've all heard and seen the commercials for the new instant Starbucks coffee, Via.
I, for one, was quite the skeptic when I heard about it, especially when Starbucks was touting that consumers wouldn't be able to tell the difference between Starbucks brewed and the instant. Um, does that seem like a good idea? You're essentially telling me that for about $3 I could get not one, not two, but THREE cups of coffee thats just as good as a cup of joe, but I save having to actual go to a Starbucks, wait in line, and pay $2.50 for a regular coffee? Hmmmmmmm.

Well, ladies and germs, I'm here to tell you- this instant coffee is GOOD. I'm currently house sitting at a place where I dont really know how to use the fancy coffee machine so I thought to myself "Self. Lets get some of that instant Starbucks and see how it is." So for about $2.95, I purchased 1 package that contains 3 individual packets of coffee. I picked up the Colombian blend [because that's all my local Target carried]. This morning I decided to give it a go when I got to the office and I was quite delighted at the results [and I'm pretty sure I even made it wrong!]. I just heated up some water, hot tea style, dumped the grounds in, put in a little FF Half & Half and a packet of Splenda and voila! Instant coffee! I really was surprised at how good it was.

Now, I wont say that it tastes exactly like a cup of brew from an actual Starbucks, but I dont think that's necessarily a bad thing- sometimes those baristas burn the brew! I guesstimate that you save about $4.50 over three cups of coffee by doing instant instead of "actual"- which, depending on how much coffee you drink from Starbucks in a week, could save YOU a pretty penny! So check it out- try a different flavor even!- and tell me what you think!