Monday, April 2, 2012

As A Follow Up.....

An Open Letter to John Mayer:

Dear John,

You are a very handsome man and surely that is not news to you. But recently, you've been doing this thing. You know the one, where you dress kind of gross? And you wear those awful boots? And you don't wash your hair? You know, that thing.

But really, really and truly I can still look past all of those things, but there is one unpardonable sin that I just cannot wrap my head around and it is that HAT. Hats in general are great. I thoroughly enjoy being able to decorate my head. But that particular hat that you've been wearing? What the What???? If you were the Grand Marshall at the Mule Day Parade then I would allow it, but you sir are doing nothing but ruining your good looks!

Put the had away. And maybe trim your hair. And call me!
Your Friend Lela

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