Monday, April 30, 2012


Guys, I just completely skipped the blogging last week and I do apologize. I am going to try to make up for it a bit this week and we will start with an actual Music Monday. Hooray!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Lesson in Festivals

How to Dress at a Festival
Actress Busy Phillips seen enjoying the sunshine with a female friend at the second day of week two at the Coachella Music Festival in California.

How to NOT Dress At a Festival

How to Dress at a Festival
"Cougar Town" actress Busy Philipps spotted in a baby blue dress and black boots roams the polo fields with friends at the Coachella Music Festival week 2 in Indio.

How to NOT Dress at a Festival

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Confession of the Day

So here's the thing. I'm all about going green, right? I recycle at home, try to turn off lights when I leave a room, and don't leave the water running when I'm brushing my teeth. But there's one little thing that I just haven't quite adopted yet-reusable bags. Now, don't get me wrong, I HAVE some and I WANT to use them, but often times I just forget. I put them in my trunk and I forget to take them into the store with me. Or, hallelujah, I remember that part but when I unload my groceries in my house, I forget to put the bags back in my car. Oy vey!

I came across an article this morning called "Why You Should Use a Reusable Grocery Bag" and I was sold. I'm making a New Resolution [I've decided that these can be done at any time, not just in January] and I am committing myself to remembering to use my bags. If you're still using plastic bags, check out the reasons below why you should change that.

  1. Plastic bags take anywhere from 15 to 1000 years to decompose.
  2. Only 1 percent of plastic bags are recycled in the United States. The rest end up in landfills, the ocean, or some other place in the environment. There's actually a giant garbage heap made mostly of plastic floating in the ocean that's twice the size of the United States.
  3. It's estimated that 1 million birds and thousands of turtles and other sea animals die each year after ingesting discarded plastic bags.
  4. More than 10 percent of washed-up debris polluting the U.S. coastline is made up of plastic bags.
  5. It takes 12 million barrels of oil to produce the estimated 100 billion plastic bags Americans use each year.
  6. The petroleum used to produce 14 plastic bags can drive a car one mile.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Emmy Worthy News Piece Brought to You By OKC

Oh Lord Jesus it's a Fire!!!

Excuse me while I go get me a col' pop.

New Music Yay!!!

We may just have to call this Tunesday Tuesday because there were a TON of new albums released today.  I definitely want to share a few with you guys today, so check out the new Alabama Shakes album below.


Monday, April 9, 2012

Obsession of the Day, Part 1

These guys.

Man, I am SO GLAD that Easter is officially over and these will no longer be a temptation for me. I had purposefully steered clear of the candy aisle on any trips to the grocery store because I KNEW that if I saw these I would have to have them. Well, low and behold, when I went home for Easter my mother had bought me a bag. That was awfully sweet of her except she KNOWS that these are my kryptonite and that I would likely eat the whole bag [er, and I did, with just a teeny bit of help from her]. So here's to you Reese's Pieces Pastel Eggs- the waistband on my pants hate you but my taste buds can't wait until Easter 2013 rolls around.
I think this video is kind of weird, but the song is lovely. Also, Jason, please refer to the open letter I recently posted to John Mayer. It applies to you as well.

And yes, I am just lifting all of these videos from Rolling Stone, but what can I say, they hit the mark today!

Love It

New Album Available Tomorrow!!!

Matthew Mayfield Music Monday

That has a nice alliteration to it, doesn't it?

Matthew Mayfield by LeeAnn Carlen on Grooveshark

Today Is A Good Day

In part because it's a beautiful Monday morning, but MOSTLY because Fiona Apple has announced a new tour. HOOOORAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!

Y'all, I have loved Fiona Apple since I was a wee middle schooler and have yet to see her in concert. I'm pretty sure this is the one thing that might make my life, well at least my musical life, complete. I will definitely be seeing her at the Ryman, but I hope to catch her in a few other cities as well.

These are the cities where she'll be playing this summer [along with their onsale date and time]:

Fiona Apple 2012 Summer Tour Dates: 
June 19 - Ithaca, NY @ State Theatre (4/20, 10 a.m.) 
June 20 - Baltimore, MD @ Lyric Opera House (4/20, 10 a.m.) 
June 22 - Mashantucket, CT @ MGM Grand Theater at Foxwoods (4/20, 10 a.m.) 
June 23 - Holyoke, MA @ Mountain Park (4/20, 10 a.m.) 
June 24 - New York, NY @ Randall's Island (on sale now - Governor's Ball Music Festival) 
June 26 - Washington, DC @ Warner Theatre (4/13, 10 a.m.) 
June 27 - Upper Darby, PA @ Tower Theatre (4/13, 10 a.m.) 
June 29 - Danbury, CT @ Ives Concert Park (4/20, 10 a.m.) 
June 30 - Boston, MA @ Citi Performing Arts Center (4/14, 10 a.m.) 
July 1 - Portland, ME @ State Theatre (4/20, 10 a.m.) 
July 3 - Montreal, QC @ Olympia Theatre (4/21, 12 p.m.) 
July 4 - Toronto, ON @ The Sound Academy (4/20, 10 a.m.) 
July 6 - Cleveland Hts., OH @ Cain Park (4/21, 10 a.m.) 
July 7 - Detroit, MI @ The Fillmore Detroit (4/27, 10 a.m.) 
July 10 - Chicago, IL @ Chicago Theatre (4/21, 10 a.m.) 
July 11 - Indianapolis, IN @ Murat Theatre (4/20, 10 a.m.) 
July 13 - Nashville, TN @ Ryman Auditorium (4/21, 10 a.m.) 
July 14 - St. Louis, MO @ Peabody Opera House (4/20, 10 a.m.) 
July 16 - Minneapolis, MN @ Orpheum Theatre (4/14, 12 p.m.) 
July 17 - Kansas City, MO @ The Midland by AMC (4/20, 10 a.m.) 
July 20 - Denver, CO @ Paramount Theatre (4/20, 10 a.m.) 
July 21 - Salt Lake City, UT @ Kingsbury Hall - University of Utah (4/21, 10 a.m.) 
July 24 - Vancouver, BC @ Orpheum (4/20, 10 a.m.) 
July 25 - Seattle, WA @ Paramount Theatre (4/20, 10 a.m.) 
July 26 - Portland, OR @ Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall (4/20, 10 a.m.) 
July 28 - Oakland, CA @ Fox Theater (4/15, 10 a.m.) 
July 29 - Hollywood, CA @ Hollywood Palladium (4/27, 10 a.m.)

and here are 3 of her new songs that she performed at SXSW!

[People are RUDE!!! I would never even utter a whisper at a Fiona Apple show, especially if she were playing new material!]

Now, it wouldn't be Your Friend Lela if we didn't address her looks. I'm not so upset about her thinness because Fiona has always been kind of frail looking [however, she might be able to whoop your ass with those arm muscles], but THIS

HOMEGIRL. First of all, you know better than to wear a scrunchie in your hair! I know you got famous in 1996 when they were all the rage, but this is 2012 honey!! Scrunchies are only to be used when washing your face- it's fashion law! Second of all, can we do something about the hair? Just anything really. Fix the bangs, give it a little color. You know, make yourself looks like you are doing your first show in AGES. That'd be nice.

Ok, now that we have that out of the way, I love you, I looooooove you, Fiona Apple!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

BA of the Day

This video is pretty fantastic despite the fact that it kind of looks like they just filmed it in one of the Twilight movies.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Music Monday- I'm Confused

Confused because.....I think I like a Justin Beiber song???

It must be a sign of the end of the world.

Heard this on my Handy Dandy XM earlier and thought "I can kind of get behind this song." I mostly can get behind it because it sounds like somebody took the clean edit of "The Whisper Song" and NSYNC's "Girlfriend" and mashed them all together with a sprinkle of Beiber.

What do you guys think?

As A Follow Up.....

An Open Letter to John Mayer:

Dear John,

You are a very handsome man and surely that is not news to you. But recently, you've been doing this thing. You know the one, where you dress kind of gross? And you wear those awful boots? And you don't wash your hair? You know, that thing.

But really, really and truly I can still look past all of those things, but there is one unpardonable sin that I just cannot wrap my head around and it is that HAT. Hats in general are great. I thoroughly enjoy being able to decorate my head. But that particular hat that you've been wearing? What the What???? If you were the Grand Marshall at the Mule Day Parade then I would allow it, but you sir are doing nothing but ruining your good looks!

Put the had away. And maybe trim your hair. And call me!
Your Friend Lela

Mayer Music Monday

Some of my happiest and saddest moments of 2012 have come from announcements from John Mayer. New album? Good! New tour dates? GOOD! Voice is messed up again and cancelling everything? BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD.

However, I can't hate too hard because the new single really is quite good, and that album is still coming out in a few short weeks. Due to this set back with his voice, we are supposed to be expecting another new album from him next year which will be exciting and hopefully will make all of this waiting worth it in the end.

Too Creepy Not To Share

This is the new anti-drug campaign. Ok, it isn't but it should be. How amazingly effective would this be? "This is your life and career. This is your life and career on drugs. Any questions?"

I mean, you can literally pinpoint when the drugs started. So sad. Get yourself clean for good Lilo!


Yesterday, when I was sadly driving myself back to Nashville from MULE DAY festivities, I was enjoying my windows down, sunroof open ride and browsing my XM when I landed on this song. I listened to the whole thing and tried to place the voice. I knew that it was an artist that I was familiar with, but it just wasn't clicking. Turns out it was the new single from Brandi Carlile. Duh. If its an amazing female voice on XM, I'm just going to assume it's her from now on. I wish I could've listened to it on repeat, but darn it, that's the one problem with the ole satellite radio.

Anywho, the single isn't out yet so I had to find a semi-janky video on YouTube to share, but the quality is good enough that you're probably going to want to watch again and again just so you can hear this songbird's voice.