Friday, March 16, 2012

This Is A New Low

The favorite part of my morning is when I log into AOL Instant Messenger and the AOL News Feed pops up. I usually start my day by clicking on a variety of stories to enjoy while I get myself pumped for the day. One in particular caught my eye this morning titled, "Racist Anti-Obama Sticker Makes the Rounds on Facebook." Curious, I clicked and was honestly astonished at what I saw.

Renig Bumper Sticker

This is not real. It can't be. This is 2012! Surely, SURELY, people have removed the N-word from their verbiage and even more surely they wouldn't be willing to associate it with our President openly on their car! Mind = blown. And this isn't even the worst of the bumper stickers that this site offers!!!!

Here's the thing. It's ok if you don't like Obama, it really is. Chances are, if you don't like him, you are a Republican and the entire world hated on George W for 8 years, so yeah, you don't have like him. That's cool.


Let's keep it about what it is. You don't like his policies? That is your right. Vote for any one of the idiots that the Republican party is pushing this year [note: I do not align myself with either party and consider myself more of a Moderate, but can we all just be honest and say that the Republicans had MUCH better options for this election and everyone that is running is pretty much an dumbdumb?]. You can say things like "Obama is a socialist!" or "Obama is Muslim!" or "Obama isn't American!" and the general public will most likely just laugh it off.

But do not, do NOT, make it about his color. To do so is ignorant, morally repugnant, and flat out dangerous. This country has been fighting racism for centuries and was seemingly making progress- the election of Obama proved that. But then, suddenly, racist comments starting coming out of the wood work and are passed off as "comedic criticisms."


Comparing Obama to a monkey is not funny- it's RACIST and so are you. I love these people who make criticisms based on his color and then follow it with "but I'm not racist or anything." SPOILER ALERT: You are. And guess what, Bubba, the rest of us are not going to put up with it! I will not have my children growing up in a world where people are judged on the color of their skin.

Don't like Obama? Fine by me! Don't vote for him. But keep your pro-white thoughts, comments, and bumper stickers to yourself.

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