Monday, February 13, 2012

B.I.C. Emerges!!!!

Beyonce and Jay-Z have released a few photos of Blue Ivy Carter and, may I just say, she may be the most beautiful baby I have EVER seen. Now, they don't mention when the photos were taken, but it kind of looks like they are in the birthing suite at the hospital, so I'm venturing a guess that its within a few days of her being born. Her face is so round a pretty and isn't smooshed at all!! I just want to pinch her little cheeks!!!!!

LOOK AT THAT BABY'S HAIR!!! I bet Beyonce had the worst heartburn while she was preggers. It's a real thing. Look it up.

Now come on. That's just adorable.

D.I.T= Diva in Training. Fo Sho!!
These blankets do NOT look like they're made of cashmere. Didn't anyone read the regulations????

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