Friday, December 9, 2011

My Top 10 Albums of 2011

As I mentioned before, the year is winding down and since I don't anticipate that I'll be doing a lot of blogging over my break [my mothers internet is sketchy. and by sketchy I mean not wireless. And by not wireless I mean that she just upgraded from dial up a few years ago. Seriously.], I thought that there was no better time than the present than do make my list of Top 10 Albums of 2011.

Just to give a little preface, this list is based on nothing more than the albums that I personally listened to the most, connected with the most, and frankly, liked the most. I'd love to hear what albums you guys loved this year. Let me know in the comments section.

1. Watch the Throne- Jay-Z and Kanye West
For me personally, this album was much anticipated and definitely delivered. It is one solid hip hop album from top to bottom and still hasn't left my rotation. One of my biggest regrets of 2011 was that I missed this live. Darn you $250 tickets!

2. 21-Adele
This album is arguably, the best album of 2011 [or second best according to moi ;)] and possibly even one of the best albums in years. I must admit though that I have grown tired of it and I'm not sure if its because of radio overplaying it [probably] or because I just listened to it for so long, even before it came out [thanks NPR!]. This is a great album, can't wait for the next one, and I hope that darn throat of hers gets better soon!

3. Ceremonials-Florence + The Machine
Ok. If you have not heard this album yet, do not walk, RUN to grab a copy. It does not matter if you weren't a fan of the first album, you'd have to be crazy to not love this one. I liked the first album just fine, really enjoyed a few songs here and there, but top to bottom it wasn't my favorite. Not so here. Ceremonials is big and loud, musically and lyrically heavy in the best of ways. I have yet to find a place where this album doesn't fit perfectly: work, driving, the gym, it blends effortlessly into any situation [so far!]. I dare you to not like it.

4. Circuital-My Morning Jacket
Again, if you've not been a My Morning Jacket fan in the past [raises hand sheepishly] it is a must that you check this album out. This isn't the first MMJ album that I've purchased, heck it wasn't even the second or third, but it was the first that I really, hard core got into. Also, live? Forget about it. This stuff is amazing.

5. Helplessness Blues-Fleet Foxes
I know that some people could take or leave Fleet Foxes, but I personally will take it! I was a really big fan of the first album and the second didnt disappoint one bit for me.

6. Take Care-Drake
It actually hurt my heart a little bit to put Drake as low as number 6, but I've had 1-5 for much longer than his new album, so I suppose that is my only justification. I have loved Drake since Day 1 [literally loved. One of my friends calls Drake my "Light skinned boyfriend"], but I have to be honest and say I didn't love, love, love his first cd. Much like with Nicki Minaj, I enjoyed the guest verses he did on other people's songs more than the album [sorry, boo]. However, that is not at all the case with this new album. Sure, there are one or two tracks that I might skip over, but this is one solid piece of work. If you're working on your fitness at all, I promise that you need this album in your work out arsenal. You can thank Drake later for all your new muscles.

7. Bon Iver- Bon Iver
I mean, come on. How could you not love Bon Iver? I've seen him live now twice and I'd dare to say that live is almost better than the album. If you're looking for calming, soothing music with the occasional edge to relax to, then look no further. It's here and it's for the taking. So won't you take it?

8. Simple Math- Manchester Orchestra
Ok, I might be a pinch biased here except NOT REALLY because this album is phenomenal. Simple Math is the third full length album from M.O. and it does not disappoint. They somehow managed to grow and mature their sound while also making it feel more like the first album than the second. Andy Hull has always been a brilliant [and underrated] songwriter, but on this album he seems to take it to another level. If you haven't checked them out yet, I'd recommend started with this album and working your way backwards. The boys will be happy to keep you company during the holidays.

9. King of Limbs-Radiohead
Am I wrong when I assume that not everyone loved this album? I feel like rarely did I hear people saying "The new Radiohead rocks my socks off", but then again, when you have a catalog as phenomenal as Radiohead's, at some point it's going to get hard to top yourself. I personally really enjoyed King of Limbs. Sure, it's not Kid A [well, not exactly like it anyway] and it sounds nothing like Ok Computer, but it's still Radiohead. Everybody needs to just shut up and let Thom Yorke be great, ok???

10. Metals- Feist
It mean, it's Leslie Feist. How could I deny her greatness? How could I ever say no? I think the day that I ever dislike a Feist album may just be the day that hell freezes over. This album is really great, and I don't think anyone else on the planet could make cicadas seem appealing.


Kissing Mules said...

I have an amazing internet connection! Come blog with me!

Brittany said...

Mat Kearney's Young Love is pretty amazing too :) It might have made it into my top 25 played on iTunes with 42 plays in just over a month.