Thursday, December 15, 2011

Obsession of the Day

Awards Season Is Almost Upon Us!

It seems like just yesterday that I was doing reviews on The Golden Globes and The Oscars, but here we are again with 2012 Golden Globe nominations being announced this morning. There were definitely some surprises, good and bad, but overall I think the nominations were fairly predictable. In years past, it has seemed as though the Golden Globe noms and wins would slightly predict the Academy Award noms and wins, so I'm excited to see how the Oscar nominations will compare and contrast.

"War Horse"
"The Ides of March"
"The Help"
"The Descendants"
Note: I have only seen half of these films and while I enjoyed "Ides of March", I do not under any circumstances think it is Best Picture material.

"The Artist"
"My Week With Marilyn"
"Midnight in Paris"
Note: I've only seen "Bridesmaids" in this category, but it has my full support. I dare you to show me a movie that is funnier.

George Clooney, "The Descendants"
Brad Pitt, ''Moneyball''
Leonardo DiCaprio, ''J.Edgar''
Ryan Gosling, ''The Ides of March''
Michael Fassbender, ''Shame''
Note: Again, I've only seen a few of these, but let me say first of all, "Moneyball" was a drama? Compared to this other films, I'd have to say that one of these things is not like the others and "Moneyball" is it. Additionally, Gosling got nominated for "Ides of March" but not "Drive" in this category? That makes pretty much ZERO sense. "Drive" was one of the most dramatic movies of 2011. I find this category to be a bit strange.

Viola Davis, "'The Help''
Meryl Streep, ''The Iron Lady''
Tilda Swinton, ''We Need to Talk About Kevin''
Rooney Mara, "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo''
Glenn Close, ''Albert Nobbs''
Note: I will admit my ignorance in what the rules and qualifications are for receiving a Golden Globes nomination, but does it seem odd to anyone else that movies that haven't even been released yet are nominated?? That seems a bit unfair.

Jean Dujardin, "The Artist''
Brendan Gleeson, ''The Guard''
Owen Wilson, ''Midnight in Paris''
Joseph Gordon-Levitt, ''50/50''
Ryan Gosling, ''Crazy, Stupid, Love''
Note: My vote in this category obviously goes to Ryan Gosling, but mostly because I haven't seen the other movies. Oops.

Michelle Williams, ''My Week With Marilyn''
Jodie Foster, ''Carnage''
Kristen Wiig, ''Bridesmaids''
Charlize Theron, ''Young Adult''
Kate Winslet, ''Carnage''
Note: Come on. Kristen Wiig, obvis.

Albert Brooks, ''Drive''
Christopher Plummer, ''Beginners''
Kenneth Branagh, ''My Week With Marilyn''
Jonah Hill, ''Moneyball''
Viggo Mortensen, ''A Dangerous Method''
Note: I loved Jonah Hill in Money Ball, but I wouldn't be surprised if Albert Brooks took this one. I wouldn't be mad at that, but I am a pinch surprised that he was nominated over Bryan Cranston.

Berenice Bejo, ''The Artist''
Octavia Spencer, ''The Help''
Jessica Chastain, ''The Help''
Janet McTeer, ''Albert Nobbs''
Shailene Woodley, "The Descendants"
Note: Voting for Octavia Spencer here.

Martin Scorsese, ''Hugo''
George Clooney, ''The Ides of March''
Michel Hazanavicius, ''The Artist''
Alexander Payne, ''The Descendants''
Woody Allen, ''Midnight in Paris'
Note: Scorsese every time.

"American Horror Story"
"Boardwalk Empire"
"Game of Thrones"
Note: Oh my word, this is like asking a mother to choose between her two new babies. I would love, love, love it if "American Horror Story" or "Homeland" won. If you aren't watching either of those shows, you need to get on it asap!

"New Girl"
"Modern Family"
Note: I'm surprised that "Glee" is even nominated this year as it has totally sucked balls this season. I love "Modern Family" and my money is on them, but I also think it's good that "New Girl" is getting some recognition. It was a rough start, but in my opinion, it has slowly become one of the funniest shows on television.

Steve Buscemi, "Boardwalk Empire"
Bryan Cranston, "Breaking Bad"
Kelsey Grammer, "Boss"
Jeremy Irons, "The Borgias"
Damian Lewis, "Homeland"
Note: Come on. Bryan Cranston, obviously.

Claire Danes, "Homeland"
Mireille Enos, "The Killing"
Julianna Margulies, "The Good Wife"
Madeleine Stowe, "Revenge"
Callie Thorne, "Necessary Roughness"
Note: Claire Danes all the way. I was just having a conversation with some fellow "Homeland" lovers about how great she is in that show.

Alec Baldwin, "30 Rock"
David Duchovny, "Californication"
Johnny Galecki, "The Big Bang Theory"
Thomas Jane, "Hung"
Matt LeBlanc, "Episodes"
Note: It doesn't get much funnier than Jack Donaghy.

Tina Fey, "30 Rock"
Amy Poehler, "Parks and Recreation"
Laura Dern, "Enlightened"
Zooey Deschanel, "New Girl"
Laura Linney, "The Big C"
Note: Tiny or Amy here. Again, glad that "New Girl" is getting some recognition, but Zooey isn't ready for a GG just yet.

"Mildred Pierce"
"Too Big Too Fail"
"Cinema Verite"
"Downton Abbey"
"The Hour"
Note: I only saw "Mildred Pierce" in this category, but it was pretty darn phenomenal.

William Hurt, "Too Big Too Fail"
Hugh Bonneville, "Downton Abbey"
Idris Elba, "Luther"
Bill Nighy, "Page Eight"
Dominic West, "Appropriate Adult"
Note: Don't really care in this category.

Peter Dinklage, "Game of Thrones"
Paul Giamatti, "To Big To Fail"
Guy Pearce, "Mildred Pierce"
Tim Robbins, "Cinema Verite"
Eric Stonestreet, "Modern Family"
Note: Obviously Eric Stonestreet.

Jessica Lange, "American Horror Story"
Kelly Macdonald, "Boardwalk Empire"
Maggie Smith, "Downton Abbey"
Sofia Vergara, "Modern Family"
Evan Rachel Wood, "Mildred Pierce"
Note: Sorry ERW and Sofia Vergara, but I have to go with Jessica Lange here. She nails the creepy psychopath role on "American Horror Story".

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Merry Ghetto Christmas

I'm not sure if this is hilarious, sad, or sacrilege, but I'm rolling with it! It's Christmas time in da hood, y'all.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Music Monday- Just Cause Edition


This is probably not a big secret nor a big surprise to many of you, but I am totally having a love affair with Florence + the Machine lately. After the initial high from a new album, my excitement usually comes in waves and I am hard core riding one right now. Check out some live performances from the AOL Sessions below.

Friday, December 9, 2011

My Top 10 Albums of 2011

As I mentioned before, the year is winding down and since I don't anticipate that I'll be doing a lot of blogging over my break [my mothers internet is sketchy. and by sketchy I mean not wireless. And by not wireless I mean that she just upgraded from dial up a few years ago. Seriously.], I thought that there was no better time than the present than do make my list of Top 10 Albums of 2011.

Just to give a little preface, this list is based on nothing more than the albums that I personally listened to the most, connected with the most, and frankly, liked the most. I'd love to hear what albums you guys loved this year. Let me know in the comments section.

1. Watch the Throne- Jay-Z and Kanye West
For me personally, this album was much anticipated and definitely delivered. It is one solid hip hop album from top to bottom and still hasn't left my rotation. One of my biggest regrets of 2011 was that I missed this live. Darn you $250 tickets!

2. 21-Adele
This album is arguably, the best album of 2011 [or second best according to moi ;)] and possibly even one of the best albums in years. I must admit though that I have grown tired of it and I'm not sure if its because of radio overplaying it [probably] or because I just listened to it for so long, even before it came out [thanks NPR!]. This is a great album, can't wait for the next one, and I hope that darn throat of hers gets better soon!

3. Ceremonials-Florence + The Machine
Ok. If you have not heard this album yet, do not walk, RUN to grab a copy. It does not matter if you weren't a fan of the first album, you'd have to be crazy to not love this one. I liked the first album just fine, really enjoyed a few songs here and there, but top to bottom it wasn't my favorite. Not so here. Ceremonials is big and loud, musically and lyrically heavy in the best of ways. I have yet to find a place where this album doesn't fit perfectly: work, driving, the gym, it blends effortlessly into any situation [so far!]. I dare you to not like it.

4. Circuital-My Morning Jacket
Again, if you've not been a My Morning Jacket fan in the past [raises hand sheepishly] it is a must that you check this album out. This isn't the first MMJ album that I've purchased, heck it wasn't even the second or third, but it was the first that I really, hard core got into. Also, live? Forget about it. This stuff is amazing.

5. Helplessness Blues-Fleet Foxes
I know that some people could take or leave Fleet Foxes, but I personally will take it! I was a really big fan of the first album and the second didnt disappoint one bit for me.

6. Take Care-Drake
It actually hurt my heart a little bit to put Drake as low as number 6, but I've had 1-5 for much longer than his new album, so I suppose that is my only justification. I have loved Drake since Day 1 [literally loved. One of my friends calls Drake my "Light skinned boyfriend"], but I have to be honest and say I didn't love, love, love his first cd. Much like with Nicki Minaj, I enjoyed the guest verses he did on other people's songs more than the album [sorry, boo]. However, that is not at all the case with this new album. Sure, there are one or two tracks that I might skip over, but this is one solid piece of work. If you're working on your fitness at all, I promise that you need this album in your work out arsenal. You can thank Drake later for all your new muscles.

7. Bon Iver- Bon Iver
I mean, come on. How could you not love Bon Iver? I've seen him live now twice and I'd dare to say that live is almost better than the album. If you're looking for calming, soothing music with the occasional edge to relax to, then look no further. It's here and it's for the taking. So won't you take it?

8. Simple Math- Manchester Orchestra
Ok, I might be a pinch biased here except NOT REALLY because this album is phenomenal. Simple Math is the third full length album from M.O. and it does not disappoint. They somehow managed to grow and mature their sound while also making it feel more like the first album than the second. Andy Hull has always been a brilliant [and underrated] songwriter, but on this album he seems to take it to another level. If you haven't checked them out yet, I'd recommend started with this album and working your way backwards. The boys will be happy to keep you company during the holidays.

9. King of Limbs-Radiohead
Am I wrong when I assume that not everyone loved this album? I feel like rarely did I hear people saying "The new Radiohead rocks my socks off", but then again, when you have a catalog as phenomenal as Radiohead's, at some point it's going to get hard to top yourself. I personally really enjoyed King of Limbs. Sure, it's not Kid A [well, not exactly like it anyway] and it sounds nothing like Ok Computer, but it's still Radiohead. Everybody needs to just shut up and let Thom Yorke be great, ok???

10. Metals- Feist
It mean, it's Leslie Feist. How could I deny her greatness? How could I ever say no? I think the day that I ever dislike a Feist album may just be the day that hell freezes over. This album is really great, and I don't think anyone else on the planet could make cicadas seem appealing.

Tori Tori Tori!

Can you believe it? Only 16 days til Christmas 22 til the end of 2011. On one hand it seems as though this year has flown by and on the other hand it seems like January was such a very long time ago.

All that to say, the year is winding down, I've got only 5 more working days until I get two blissful weeks of holiday vacation and that is why I've hardly been blogging. Just to clarify, I'm not so much busy as I'm just winding down and becoming extra lazy!

So anywho, since I didn't get enough time off at Thanksgiving, I decided to take a day off last week and head down to the DirtyDirty [aka Atlanta] with my best Nuni to catch one of his favorites, Tori Amos. I bought my first Tori Album, Little Earthquakes, when I was a senior in high school, mostly because my best friend Drew and I auditioned for the talent show with her song "Winter". I had kind of forgotten about her if you will until I met my Nuni a few years ago. Unlike me, he could quite possibly Tori's biggest fan on the face of the planet [in an adorable way]. Also unlike me, he had seen her in concert many a time, so he had some idea of what to expect. Now, I don't want to say that I was "nervous" per say, but when an artists biggest fan tells you the show is going to "change your life", its hard to tell whether you can believe them because, well, they're a little biased. In this particular case, he was not wrong.

Ok, well, it maybe didn't change my life, but it was phenomenal. Tori is on tour with just her fabulous old lady piano [her words, not mine] and a string quartet [two violins, a cello and a viola]. I was mesmerized from beginning to end, so much so that I literally peeled off all the nail polish on all ten fingers and didn't even realized I was doing it until the deed was done. If you haven't listened to Tori recently or at all, please do check her out, and if you like her but have never seen it, then trust me when I say that the cds don't even compare to a live show.

Check out some of my pictures below!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Darn You Angelina!

As much as I try to dislike you, you really are incredible pretty.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Movie Reviews!

It's been a long time since I've posted a movie review, but I seem to have seen a LOT lately, so I definitely want to tell you guys about them.

I had been really excited about seeing this movie ever since seeing the trailer before Drive. Elizabeth Olsen [who you may remember from The Adventures of Mary-Kate and Ashley. She played the annoying little sister, Lizzie. Maybe she still does.] is really phenomenal in this film which happens to be, not her first, but her first big break at least. The film is based around Martha, a gal in her young twenties who we learn disappeared from her family for two years and was involved in a backwoods cult. Theft, murder, orgies and rape co-exist in this cult alongside slighty more normal cult activities like chores, gardening, and well, nudity. Martha almost completely loses her identity to the cult and somehow decides that she must get out. She calls her sister, who really is a kind of uptight bitch, but we'll cut her some slack because she and her husband take Martha into their home and try to understand where she has been and what has happened to her.

The scenes move fluidly from present time to flashbacks, so much so that sometimes you aren't sure which you are watching. It is a beautifully made film, albeit somewhat disturbing at times, and the acting was truly stellar. I do enjoy me some Olsen twins, but I think we can all agree that any acting that has been done in the recent past has been less than amazing, so I was somewhat skeptical of Elizabeth's skills. Trust me, this girl is legit. Acting is a craft to her, and it shows. I think she did a phenomenal job in this film. I do highly recommend it to everyone but I will say that I absolutely, 100% hated the ending. Hated. You'll see.

This past weekend, my local theatre was offering a double feature with Ides of March and Moneyball for the price of one movie. The only thing that I like more than cheap is Ryan Gosling, George Clooney and Brad Pitt, so how could I say no? I had really been wanting to see IOM for a long time and had just never gotten around to it. Waiting usually means that you're going to see a lot of reviews ad hear a lot of opinions before getting down to the business of actually watching the film. In this case, I actually heard few reviews, but the ones I did come across were not entirely favorable. A friend of mine told me "It was eh. You can rent it." and while she is one of my besties, I almost didn't believe her. Ryan Gosling and George Clooney eh?? You've got to be kidding me!
Well, she was kind of right. It's not that the movie isn't good, because it really, really is, it just happens to be kind of slow. The film seems borderline between wanting to seem kind of indie and dark and wanting to be a Hollywood blockbuster. I think the story kind of got lost in the idea of "what can this film be?" There isn't a great climax in the story and as a result, the finished product feels anti-climatic as a whole. I don't want to seem like a total doner on the film because I'm not at all sorry that I saw it, but my friend was right- watch this one from the comfort of your couch.

I have seen trailers and advertisements everywhere for what seems like years for this movie, but I never totally had an interest in seeing it. I'm not sure why because I am a sucker for an inspirational sports movie that is based on a true story, but it's probably because Brad Pitt really annoys me these days [call it the Angelina Jolie effect]. However, since I like cheap and free, I wasn't about to pass up ANY movie that was included in a double feature. As it turns out, I'm so glad that I saw this movie. I feel like it's unlikely that it will be an Oscar contender or anything like that, but as stated above, I'm a sucker for these types of films and I fell hard for this one. Brad Pitt did a great job playing the Oakland A's general manager and former baseball player Billy Beane, and Jonah Hill did a great job playing a nerd with a economics degree from Yale who just happens to be obsessed with baseball. This one would also be just as good from the comfort of your house, but I'd say its also worth the $10 to see it in theaters. It won't be there much longer though, so you better jump on it soon!

Rented this one with the roomie the other night and I thoroughly enjoyed it. There were a few things that I personally would've changed, but I don't really want to share them because it will kind of spoil the movie! Overall, a really great film, super action packed [it is Spielberg after all], and slightly scarier than either of us expected it to me. Rent it this weekend!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Music Monday Continues: Christmas Edition

Everyone with even a hint of Christmas Cheer will be excited about this post- it's ALL Christmas Music. Yay!!!!!

Christmas Mix by LeeAnn Carlen on Grooveshark


Yes guys, I will in fact be putting up a Christmas playlist again today, but lest you guys totally hate me for that, I thought I'd start Monday off with some new hip-hop.

I don't always trust actors who decide to sing or rap, but in the case of Childish Gambino [who you may know better as Donald Glover who plays Troy Barnes on Community and used to write on 30 Rock], I am totally on board.

Check out his debut album, Camp, below.

childish gambino by LeeAnn Carlen on Grooveshark

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Help Us Lord!

Justin Beiber's assassination on everything holy continues with his rendition of Mariah Carey's infamous Christmas song "All I Want For Christmas Is You". The worst [or possibly best?] part of it? Mimi participated!!! I will say, her body be lookin RIGHT these days. Having twins may have been the best thing that ever happened to her. Also, it's kind of wrong that she is rubbing on her boobies in a video with a 12 year old. She'll probably be pregnant with his baby soon.

Time to Start Planning My Grammy Party...

The Grammy Nominations concert was last night and since I am a terrible Music Industry employee, I totally forgot to watch it. However, I've still got a list of the top nominations for you as well as my predictions!

Adele- Rolling in the Deep
Bon Iver- Holocene
Bruno Mars- Grenade
Mumford & Sons- The Cave
Katy Perry- Firework
*Hard to give an opinion because almost all of these songs are winners in my book [however, I could do without "Firework"]. I'm going to put my prediction on Adele because the entire industry seems to be completely smitten with her. Something tells me that she may sweep every category she is nominated in.

Adele- 21
Foo Fighters- Wasting Light
Lady Gaga- Born This Way
Bruno Mars- Doo-Wops and Hooligans
Rihanna- Loud
* Not gonna lie, the Rihanna nomination here is kind of surprising, but I'm fine with it because I really think Adele will win this category as well. I do think there is a slight chance that the Foo Fighters could have an upset here because they are industry legends, but I wouldn't bet on it. I am starting to feel like everyone is OVER Lady Gaga, so I don't really think she stands a chance here.

"All of the Lights"-Kanye West
"The Cave"- Mumford and Sons
"Grenade"- Bruno Mars
"Holocene"- Bon Iver
"Rolling in the Deep"- Adele
*Again, I'm going to have to say that Adele will probably win this category, but I do think she has some competition from Kanye here. Nothing would make me happier than if Mumford or Bon Iver won, but I just don't see it happening.

Nicki Minaj
Bon Iver
The Band Perry
* Pretty sure that Nicki Minaj has got this one in the bag although, again, I would pee my pants over a Bon Iver win. Also, dear Grammys, just because you JUST NOW started paying attention to him doesn't mean that Bon Iver is "new".

Tony Bennett & Amy Winehouse- "Body and Soul"
The Black Keys- "Dearest"
Coldplay- "Paradise"
Foster the People- "Pumped Up Kicks"
Maroon 5- "Moves Like Jagger"
*Hmmm, this one is tricky. I'm inclined to say that Tony & Amy have the upper hand here with the whole being a legend/ being dead combo, but The Black Keys and Coldplay sneak up on people sometimes. And can I just say, REALLY with the Foster the People nomination? I liked their album when it came out and even enjoyed their show, but they are hardly Grammy material. I'm gonna stick with Tony and Amy in this category.

Adele- 21
CeeLo Green- The Lady Killer
Lady Gaga- Born This Way
Rihanna- Loud
Bruno Mars- DooWops and Hooligans
*Adele again.

Coldplay- "Every Teardrop is a Waterfall"
Mumford & Sons- "The Cave"
Foo Fighters- "Walk"
The Decemberists- "Down by the Water"
Radiohead- "Lotus Flower"
* I would genuinely be happy with any of these wins, but I think this one is going to the Foo Fighters.

Jeff Beck- "Rock N Roll Party Honoring Les Paul"
Kings of Leon- "Come Around Sundown"
Foo Fighters- "Wasting Light"
Red Hot Chili Peppers- "I'm With You"
Wilco- "The Whole Love"
*I'm going Foo Fighters again in this category [although that Wilco album was pretty darn good.....]

Bon Iver-Bon Iver
Death Cab For Cutie- Codes and Keys
Foster the People- Torches
My Morning Jacket- Circuital
Radiohead- King of Limbs
*If we took Foster the People and Death Cab out, this would almost be a perfect category. Foster needs to go because they simply don't deserve it, and Death Cab needs to go because I'm pretty sure that everyone is aware that this was not Ben Gibbard's best effort. I'm calling My Morning Jacket on this one, but I think Radiohead and Bon Iver still stand a chance.

Chris Brown- "Look At Me Now"
Jay-Z and Kanye West- "Otis"
Lupe Fiasco- "The Show Goes On"
Nicki Minaj and Drake- "Moment for Life"
Wiz Kalifa- "Black and Yellow"
*Watch the Throne here. No competition.

Beyonce and Andre 3000- "Party"
DJ Khaled, Drake, Rick Ross & Lil Wayne- "I'm On One"
Eminem, Dr. Dre & Skylar Grey- "I Need a Doctor"
Rihanna and Drake- "What's My Name"
Kanye West, Rihanna, Kid Cudi, Fergie- "All of the Lights"
* Hmmmm, this one is quite a bit trickier. I was initially thinking Beyonce might nab this one, but I think I'm going to change my mind and say that this one is going to "All of the Lights". Mad love to Drake for getting 2 noms in this category.

Jay-Z and Kanye West- Watch the Throne
Lil Wayne- The Carter IV
Lupe Fiasco-Lasers
Nicki Minaj- Pink Friday
Kanye West- My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
*Here we GO! Now this is a competitive category. I'm gonna say that "The Throne" is going to win here with the slight possibility that Kanye alone will win for "MBDTF".

Linda Chorney- Emotional Jukebox
Ry Cooder- Pull Up Some Dust and Sit Down
Emmylou Harris- Hard Bargain
Levon Helm- Ramble at the Ryman
Lucinda Williams- Blessed
*I'm going with Emmylou here for obvious reasons, but also because I dont think she has much competition here [the only exception to that being Levon Helm].

So set your calendars to tune into CBS on February 12th and see if I'm right!