Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Let's Be Honest

Is being this thin really sexy?

I understand that Angelina has a lot to live up to in this photo since she is standing next to the sexy version of Brad Pitt. Now that he's shaved off his goatee, no one is safe. Absolutely no one can look even remotely attractive while in his vicinity because he takes up all the sexy oxygen [that's not a real thing, i just made it up, but it sounds good, right?].

Aaaaaaanyway, Angelina looks a mess. I know she has a lot of kids to feed, but that doesn't mean she has to feed them off of her plate. Eat your Manwhich Angie- Zahara can get her own! Look at those Granny Knees!!! Blech. But really, fellas, help me out. At what point does thin become too thin aka no longer attractive? I give you these things to ponder on your Tuesday No Blues Day.

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