Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Trashy TV: Monday-Friday

About a month ago, I posted my picks via Gawker about what television shows I would become obsessed with this fall. Well, I happen to have an update for you. Let me say firstly that life has been BUSY so I've been watching a most of these on the ole DVR, but sometimes I like that best. It's nice to go, go, go and then take one night [or maybe two!] to just veg out and clear out your DVR.

I have to say that the biggest surprise to me has been Ringer. I'm not going to say that it has the best acting per say [Sarah Michelle Gellar has never been a personal favorite of mine], but the story line is intriguing and just got really good last week. A case of mistaken identity between twins is always entertaining!

My second favorite show which has also been a surprise is Two Broke Girls. Now there is still some character development that needs to happen there, and the writers might want to tone down the schtick just a pinch, but we're on the fourth week and I've realized that I laugh out loud a LOT during the show. Then again, I'm easily entertained so take it with a grain of salt.

I'm still trying to figure out The New Girl, but I've just about convinced myself that I really like it. The pilot is relatively horrid, so I'll fill you in so you can skip to the second episode. Zoe Deschanel's character, Jess, recently walked in on her boyfriend cheating on her, so she had to quickly find a new place to live and landed with 3 dudes that she found on the internet. That's essentially the gist. My favorite roommate to hate is definitely Schmitty and evidently I am not alone because the other roommates have a douche jar for him. Whenever he says something douchey, he has to put a dollar in the jar. I think I am going to implement this in my own life when going out, except I'll just replace the jar with my wallet. I realize that many people cannot stand Zoe Deschanel as an actree[I, personally, wish she would act only and stop singing FOREVER], but I think she's actually quite loveable in this show. Again, take my word for it, skip the pilot, read the summary above, and it should be smooth sailing for you.

NOW, on to my very, very favorite new shot this fall [coming in as a close 2nd in overall television favorites behind Sons of Anarchy], Homeland. This. Show. Is. LEGIT. It is essentially about an American prisoner of war who may or may not have been "turned" by the Iraqi's and a CIA agent [Claire Danes] who is suspicious and trackin him [and also happens to be on anti-psychotic medication-TWIST!!!]. It is exciting, suspenseful, intelligence, and just greeeeeeeeat overall. If you have Showtime, then I highly recommend that you watch this show. If you don't have Showtime, then I highly recommend that you GET IT.

If you're watching the shows, then let me know what you think! Do you have others that I should know about? If so, please share! Y'all know I cannot get enough of good television.

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