Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I've written a few times about my thoughts on Coldplay's new music and how I haven't exactly been loving what I've heard. Well, newstime, they've now put out a third song from the upcoming album [availble Oct. 24th] and it happens to feature Rihanna. Oy.

Here's the thing, I actually quite like Rihanna but can we agree that sometimes certain collaborations just don't work? Just because Jay-Z and Linkin Park turned out to be brilliant doesn't mean that every R&B or Hip Hopper should be collabing with rock bands [and vice versa].

This song honestly makes me feel like I might not buy the new Coldplay album, and I'm being dead serious. Two thumbs down AND a BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Coldplay - " Princess of China " feat... by AceVideos

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