Monday, May 23, 2011

The End Times

So the Rapture didn't happen this weekend and I'm pretty sure that everyone who has actually read a Bible and been to a real church [that isn't part of a cult] knew that it wouldn't. Also, for the record, the Rapture does not equal the "end of the world" like many people thought. I digress.

Despite the fact that the Rapture didn't happen, I feel as though the end times MUST be near because, dear readers, Gaga song. There. I said it. Despite my overwhelming dislike for her, I can't help but really, really, REALLY like the song "Edge of Glory". I'm not mad at the radio/album cut at all, but I can't help but favor the acoustic version she does in her live show. Both versions are below for your enjoyment. What do you think? Am I losing my mind, or am I finally coming around to being a Gaga fan [it definitely isn't the latter]?

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