Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I had the pleasure of going to see Bridesmaids this weekend with my dear, sweet Diddy [aka Black Like Me!] and man oh man did it not disappoint. I'm pretty sure that half of Nashville was in the theatre with us because literally every single person that was in the ticket line with me was seeing this movie. There was even a sweet little meemaw and peepaw sitting next to us. It's a movie for all ages!

So, for those of you who have been living under a rock, the premise of the film is that Lillian [played by Maya Rudolph] and Annie [played by Kristin Wiig, my absolute favorite] have been best friends since childhood and Lillian has asked Annie to be her maid of honor for her upcoming wedding. Annie is excited and honored [as we all are when asked] and of course cannot wait to start planning. She meets the other bridesmaids Rita [played by Wendi McLendon-Covery of Reno 911], Becca [played by Ellie Kemper of The Office], Megan [played by Melissa McCarthy of Gilmore Girls and Mike and Molly who absolutely STEALS the movie at points] and Helen [played by Rose Byrne of Damages] and hilarity ensues from there.

I think the main reason that this movie is so funny is that it is so on point with everything that happens. There is always one bridesmaid that tries to control the others, make them look bad and steal the spotlight from the bride and let me just tell you guys- that bitch is as hard to get into check in real life as she is in the movie. I don't want to ruin any part of this movie because you absofreakinglutely MUST go see it, but there is a special treat at the end that involves some lip syncing and one of my favorite songs of the nineties. You'll see!

I quite literally may have wet myself more than once during this movie. I give it two thumbs up!

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