Thursday, March 27, 2014

New Music!

So lately, I feel like I've had a hard time keeping up with the times. I suppose being a meemaw can do that to you. But there are so many great new restuarants in Nashville [that I've never heard of, much less been to], so many great new bands [that I've never heard of, much less seen], so frankly, sometimes I think I am on the forefront of something when really I'm about 6 months behind.

All that to say, I THINK I have found some killer new music. And if it ain't new to you, could you just pretend this one time? It will help my meemaw heart smile.

Recently, while on a cross country road trip, me and my bestie [obviously] rocked out to some Robyn "Body Talk". And I kept thinking, man, when is this biotch gonna put out a new album??

Well, I have found a substitute until we get some new goodies from Mizz R. I give you, Mr Little Jeans.

That's right. The name is weird. And I LIKE it!

I mean, her real name is Monica and 1) that's kind of a boring name and 2) we already have one of those. Know what we don't have? A Mr Little Jeans.

If you're into Robyn or even Fiona Apple [laced with some sick beats] or EVEN BETTER, Arcade ire covers, then check this lady out. Me thinks you'll likey.

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