Thursday, March 27, 2014

New Music!

So lately, I feel like I've had a hard time keeping up with the times. I suppose being a meemaw can do that to you. But there are so many great new restuarants in Nashville [that I've never heard of, much less been to], so many great new bands [that I've never heard of, much less seen], so frankly, sometimes I think I am on the forefront of something when really I'm about 6 months behind.

All that to say, I THINK I have found some killer new music. And if it ain't new to you, could you just pretend this one time? It will help my meemaw heart smile.

Recently, while on a cross country road trip, me and my bestie [obviously] rocked out to some Robyn "Body Talk". And I kept thinking, man, when is this biotch gonna put out a new album??

Well, I have found a substitute until we get some new goodies from Mizz R. I give you, Mr Little Jeans.

That's right. The name is weird. And I LIKE it!

I mean, her real name is Monica and 1) that's kind of a boring name and 2) we already have one of those. Know what we don't have? A Mr Little Jeans.

If you're into Robyn or even Fiona Apple [laced with some sick beats] or EVEN BETTER, Arcade ire covers, then check this lady out. Me thinks you'll likey.

Friday, March 21, 2014

It's Finally Happened

The end is nigh guys.

Forget about the crazy, Biblical Blood Moons that are happening in the upcoming months, or the terrifying horoscope forecast for April, something else is making people panic, sending them to the streets in mobs, awaiting the sun to explode or an aesteroid to hit Earth.

Kim Kardashian is on the cover of Vogue.

Those of you not so much in the know might say "But Lela, she is on the cover of EVERY magazine ALWAYS."

Fair point.

But not Vogue. No, no, no, no, no, nooo. Anna Wintour has a strong taste in her mouth about Ms. K, and it ain't a sweet one. In the past she has called Kim K "The worst thing since socks and sandals" [OUCH!] and even went as far as banning her from the 2012 Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute Gala. For my redneck friends, that's a Real Fancy Ball Y'all.

But then......a baby changed everything.

You see, North West, the adorably faced but unfortunately named child of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian, is one of the hardest celeb babies to get a scoop on! Kanye is notoriously private [except when he's beating down paparazzo's at the airport] and despite Kim's reality show Queen status, the baby has yet to be on the show. Aside from a couple of Instagram pictures, there has been no exclusive on the baby.

Well, nobody plays hard to get with Anna Wintour.

So if putting that baby's momma on the cover of the magazine is what it takes to get a video exclusive of sweet little North, then that is what the Ice Queen had to do!

Notes: this dress as well as the others she is wearing in the video are all GORGEOUS. I am green with envy. Also, as pointed out by a friend, what is with Kims hands in this photo? Kanye is clearly very intimate with her here while she is responding to him in a very bizarre "I'm not actually going to touch you" way while give dead sex eyes to the camera. It's a little strange.

In conclusion: Does anyone know where I can get my own, personal North West?