Thursday, August 29, 2013

Frank + Derol

There's something to be said for an understated elegance in pop music and Frank + Derol hits the nail right on the head. The group is comprised of Brandi Cyrus [yes, of THAT Cyrus fame] and Codi Caraco, young, talented females who met while on tour with other artists and started making music together. I love when groups happen organically in that way and aren't at all contrived.

From what I gather from Twitter, the band, or at least Brandi, is currently based out of Nashville and we are more than happy to claim them. This EP does a good job of fitting nearly any mood I am in and I can't get enough of it. I am anxiously awaiting a live performance [may I humbly suggest the High Watt?] and a full length album. Here's hoping they both come soon!

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