Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Favorite New Releases

Do you ever feel like your tastes in entertainment change with the seasons? For me, I'm much more likely to listen to certain types of music in one season than I might in another [Rap Music, for example, is all about summertime for me]. It's not uncommon for an artist that I love to put out an album and it be seasonably wrong for me. I will still like it, but if it had been put out in a different time of year, I might have been completely obsessed with it.

The slight shift in the weather is already turning my musical tastes towards albums a little more appropriate for campfires, rainy days in bed and trick or treating. There was a lot of really great new music that came out today and I don't know that I'll actually be able to pick ONE as a favorite, but my top few are included below. I think you will find that they all have a common thread [in fact, if you aren't a freak like me, you might want to listen to something else in between]. Even though they are not included here, make sure you also check out the new Avett Brothers, The xx [which might have been better released in the dead of winter], David Byrne & St. Vincent [i was surprised how much I loved this one!], and Dave Matthews Band [another shocker for me]. 

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