Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Annie Sloan Who?

Recently, I (along with the rest of the Pinterest-phere) have become obsessed with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. The colors are beautiful, the end result is the perfect amount of shabby chic, and it's evidently a dream to paint with. I personally have never actually used Annie Sloan's paint because, well, I have a hard time swallowing the price tag [anywhere from $30-$60 depending on where you purchase, how much paint you get, etc], but I have been dying over the Paris Grey color for months now.

After a friend of mine said "Hey, I bet you could make chalk paint", a lightbulb went off and I set to digging through Pinterest and the Internets to see if I could find a recipe. After reading a few different "Mommy blogs", I decided I had found my ideal combo and set about gathering my ingredients. This is what you'll need:

*furniture to paint // Cost=$0
*paint // Cost=$0
*Plaster of Paris// Cost=$6.78
*a sanding wedge// Cost=$3.97
*16 grit sandpaper// Cost=$0
*Paint stirrer// Cost=$0
*Bucket with measurements// Cost=$1.98

So I had these two Living Room end tables that I inherited from my former roommate when she moved out. They were in great condition and a nice shape, but were just a little to vintage for my personal taste. If you don't have an existing piece of furniture that you want to update, I recommend scouring Goodwill and Yard Sales.

I started out by lightly sanding the tables all over, just to give the paint a nice surface to stick to. Then I went to mixing my plaster of paris. It put in 16 oz of plaster in my measuring bucket and slowly added a half of cup of water while stirring [if you are using more or less plaster, just slowly add water until it gets to a smooth consistancy].

Then, I added 32 ounces of my paint color, which I had already stirred. I had LOTS of leftover paint from where my apartment had been painted a while back, and had a variety of colors to choose from. You could easily get just a pint of your desired color from Home Depot OR shop from the "mistake" paints. You might find a gem and a deal! However much paint you are going to need, it is VERY important that you keep the ratio as two parts paint to one part plaster of paris. It should also be noted that while you think you are going to need a lot of paint, you will not! I made way too much and am now looking for other things to paint [haha].

Stir until paint and plaster are combined, smooth and look like this:

Now you're all set to paint! I did one coat of paint one one table, did the second table, and then went back to the first table for a second coat. This stuff dries incredibly fast!

Notice how you can see my brush strokes on Coat 1. If you want a very shabby, very distressed look, then you could certainly leave it at 1 coat and go straight to the wax. I wanted more coverage with very light distressing, so I went ahead with the second coat. Just play around with it!

After the second coat was nice and dry, I did a little distressing on edges and corners with my 16 grit sandpaper. I will note that I originally attempted the distressing with my sandpaper wedge, but it was barely making a dent in the paint- this stuff is tough! Luckily, I had some heavy duty sandpaper on hand, and that really did the trick.

After you are done distressing, wipe your table down and make sure it's free of all dust/paint particles. Now it's time for the wax! Have 2 clean clothes on hand [or, if you're like me, the front and back of a clean old tee]. Wax on with one, shine with the other. I was surprised at how little wax I ended up needing. Now, with Annie Sloan chalk paint, you can use a dark wax and a clear wax in order to get more detail. I used ONLY clear wax on this table in order to 1) experiment and 2) save a few dollars on this project. You can do whatever combo you like, but note that if you do both waxes, you should do a coat of clear, then the dark, then another coat of clear.

And this is the finished product- pretty cute right?? I'm also not mad at the lamp I got at TJMaxx over the weekend.

If I were to do anything different on this project, I would definitely purchase a new, angled paint brush and make less paint! Otherwise, it was a quick project that was the perfect accompaniment to a Saturday afternoon movie.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


It's new Mumford Day!!!! Wahoooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I haven't actually even listened yet, I just wanted to share with you first thing- we'll come back with a review later!

Monday, September 24, 2012


Better late than never!!


As anyone who has ever met me or read this blog probably knows, I looooooooooooooooove television. As such, the Emmy's should really be the highlight of my fall, but I usually fell kind of "meh" about them. Last nights were pretty ok, Jimmy Kimmel was funny, but whoever was writing the jokes for the presenters should be FIRED. Every awarded presentation ended up being kind of awkward and un-amusing. Also, dear everyone nominated, let's plan at least an idea of what we might say if we win. There is nothing more uncomfortable than a blubbering actor with an award in his hand.

 My only SERIOUS complaint of the night is that Sons of Anarchy got snubbed for Best Drama AGAIN. Now, I like Mad Men enough, but in my personal opinion, it's not even anywhere close to the Best Drama on television [which is probably why Homeland won, a decision that I fully agree with]. I think the Emmy's need to show SOA some love and quit being ridiculous!

 All that being said, let's get to the fashion!!


Tina Fey-if you were to assume [like me] that most television actors are actually their characters in real life, you would expect Tina to show up dressed like Liz Lemon, in a cardigan and glasses. This gal cleans up well! She almost always gets it right on the red carpet, and for that I think that her stylist deserves a bonus. Two thumbs up!


This look is very, very harsh for January Jones. When you already have no personality and a bitch face, you should consider doing a softer look with your hair. Also, that dress looks like it was hairsprayed within an inch of its life. NoThankYou.


I really want to like this dress that Ginnifer Goodwin is wearing, but there's something not quite right about it for me. The fact that it kind of looks like drapes doesn't bother me, and I love the pop of orange, but I am seriously not on board with the party in the front, black tie in the back look here. I think if you want an asymmetrical hem, then it should have actually been substantially shorter in the front [around knee length in my humble opinion]. I'm pretty sure that's what's holding me back from giving this dress a LOVE IT


DAYUM GIRL- rock it!! I have to say, I love everything about Heidi Klums outfit. There are very few people that could rock that slit, and she rocks it well. I also must say that I love the Seafoam color of this dress.


Oh Lena. We all know that you are not the size and shape of a supermodel and we LOVE you for it, but that doesn't mean that you have to wear things that make you look extra frumpy! I think this dress is quite pretty, but is a bit too old for her. It could have been greatly improved for her look if it were cocktail length or taken in a bit, but as it is, she is just drowning in lace. I do, however, love the new hair cut.


Edie Falco needs to tan and bleach a little less. She is starting to look like a Mom from the Jersey Shore.


I love, love, loved the pops of chartreuse that appeared at the Emmy's last night. Don't get me wrong, I love a fabulous metallic dress or a sleek black one, but who says that black tie always has to be black?? I think the color and cut of this dress are perfect for Julie.


What the what? Kristen Wiig, I have no words. You know better.


I don't hate this dress. But I don't love this dress. And what is up with everybody's harsh hair dos. Not cute America!


Alison Williams looked gorgeous last night. Great dress, great color, great make up, great hair. If she keeps this up, she will be a red carpet favorite before you know it!


Ashley Judd-woof! This dress looks totally homemade! I know because, as a youngster, my mom used to make my homemade dresses. What the what? Also, that color? No thanks! Mauve is generally not a great idea, EVER. And that hair? I can't. I really can't even. She gets a firm NO MA'AM.


I like Zosia Mamet's dress but the hair/eyebrows/ears combo doesn't dot it for me. Girl, I feel you, I've got ears that stick out as well, but I generally try to do an updo that ever so slightly covers the top of them so everything on my face looks as proportional as possible. Whoever told you that you should slick your hair down was WRONG. So wrong.


Amy Poehler is getting a divorce and is back on the prowl. Me-ow!


Um, dear Blossom, I realize that you are the unconventional type, but did you get this dress at Goodwill? It's just plain awful.


After seeing Hayden Panetierre last weekend here in Nashville, I know that she is tee-tiny enough for me to fit in my pocket! This dress, while gorgeous, doesn't quite do her justice. It makes her look a bit older and heavier than she actually is. But again, the dress itself is divine.


Leslie Mann- literally dying over this dress. The perfect combo of boho and completely chic. Love love love.


Sofia, this is not the Mule Day Queen pageant. Tone it down a bit would ya?


Kelly Osborne keeps getting skinnier and skinnier! Homegirl needs to start a tumblr with dieting tips [haha]. I don't have strong feelings of hatred towards this dress, it just doesn't totally do it for me.


Get it Lucy Lu. This dress is to die for.


Ummm.....I don't hate the color of this dress, and I love the dress itself, but somehow the color, cut, detailing and that hair all together make me go "no thanks!"


I mean, I'm just kind of over her. Is that so bad? Also, when you have boobs that big, they do NOT naturally lift that high. What about if you just let them be for a minute instead of constantly pushing them up to your chin? It's getting kind of gross.


There's that color again! I can see why some people might not like this dress, but as soon as she came out to present, I was all like "oooooooh". I'm also impressed that she can wear that color with her skin tone and hair color. Any form of yellow makes me look like I am on my death bed. Well done, Julianne!


Get it, Padma!!

So, what did you guys think about Emmy fashion this year? Give it to me straight!!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Inspiration of the Day

Omg, this pig is so CUTE!!!!! I think this officially means I can't eat bacon anymore. Cuteatarians unite!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

And Then There Was This

Does this sound like early to middle Kings of Leon to anyone else? I mean, I'm not mad at it!

What's On Today's Playlist

The Whigs baby, all day long!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Surprise of the Day

I've never been one to throw shade at P!nk [mostly cause she could whoop my ass!], but I've also never been one to thoroughly enjoy a full album of hers. The new one, The Truth About Love, is actually rocking my socks off and making my Tuesday morning go by much, much faster.  Your thoughts?

What's New In Music???

Well, most importantly, the new G.O.O.D Music album drops today. I realize that isn't everyone's thing, so stay tuned, more new shizzle to come my nizzle.

Monday, September 17, 2012

I Am Stealing This Joke


If you are not familiar with Shovels & Rope, you better get there and quick! I saw this band open up for Hayes Carll early in 2011 and have loved them ever since. If you think this album is good, you should run [not walk!] to see them live. This married couple has an on stage chemistry that will lull you sweetly into your happy place. Bottom line- its good stuff.


This is no longer a good angle for you.

Just sayin'!

American Idol Hired Who?

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is what your new American Idol judges table looks like:

One of these things is not like the other....

I, personally, haven't watched American Idol since I was in High School, so this means little to me, except for the fact that it doesn't make a lot of sense. I actually love the idea of Mariah being a judge, but these producers must be glutens for punishment to have Mariah the Diva and Nicki the Diva both on the panel! Also, Mariah, Randy and Keith have all had decades long careers- Nicki has only been around for a few and her talent is questionable. I get that she's one of the hottest things on the planet and Idol is probably wanting to get their ratings back up now that they have to compete with The Voice, but how did that pan out for them when they added Ellen DeGeneres to the panel? Not so well, if I remember correctly.

As a complete outsider, it seems to me that American Idol is definitely on it's way down hill. In the early history of the show, the winners were all going on to have stellar careers. I couldn't even tell you the names of the folks that won the competition the past few times [then again, maybe they are country singers and that's why....].

Either way, something tells me that this panel, in full, will not be around for more than one season!


Good morning all! Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. Mine was delightful and left me filling fulfilled. Now here we are with a rainy Monday morning, which I would usually be mad at, but its just making it feel fall like and I am loving every minute of it [I'm sure kicking off my morning with a little Jay-Z also didn't hurt :)].

I'm not sure that my first Music Monday pick is going to be the best for a "pick me up", but it definitely fits the tone of the weather here in Nashville. Check it out and love it below. I promise I'll try to pick up the pace later in the day ;)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Get It Gurl

Looking good JSimps!

Jessica Simpson Weight Loss Katie Couric

Favorite New Releases

Do you ever feel like your tastes in entertainment change with the seasons? For me, I'm much more likely to listen to certain types of music in one season than I might in another [Rap Music, for example, is all about summertime for me]. It's not uncommon for an artist that I love to put out an album and it be seasonably wrong for me. I will still like it, but if it had been put out in a different time of year, I might have been completely obsessed with it.

The slight shift in the weather is already turning my musical tastes towards albums a little more appropriate for campfires, rainy days in bed and trick or treating. There was a lot of really great new music that came out today and I don't know that I'll actually be able to pick ONE as a favorite, but my top few are included below. I think you will find that they all have a common thread [in fact, if you aren't a freak like me, you might want to listen to something else in between]. Even though they are not included here, make sure you also check out the new Avett Brothers, The xx [which might have been better released in the dead of winter], David Byrne & St. Vincent [i was surprised how much I loved this one!], and Dave Matthews Band [another shocker for me]. 

Tuesday Tunesday

So last week was a crazy busy one for me and this one doesn't seem to be slowing down much. Because of the flurry of activity, I completely forgot to post my favorite new release of last week so I guess we will just have to do that today!

Check out "Old World Romance" by Sea Wolf below. Let me know your thoughts in the comments, and stay tuned for my favorite new release from this week later today!

Monday, September 10, 2012


I'm obsessed with all things involving the Gundersen Family today. Enjoy a few more of their videos below and check out Noah Gundersen's BandCamp page if you haven't already!