Monday, August 6, 2012


Ok guys, at the requests of a few readers, I am attempting to get off my lazy butt and actually post some more. It's been one hot minute since I've posted a Music Monday and there have been LOTS of fantastic albums that have come out since my last post, so I'm going to attempt to hit the ground running today. Since there is a lot of ground to cover, I probably won't review each album in depth, but will try to give a short version of my opinion.

As always, I appreciate when you guys give me feedback, especially when it's "Get Off Your Lazy Butt!" No, really, I do. :)

Ok, first album I'm posting today is the new Missy Higgins. This little Australian nugget won my heart over a few years ago with her 2007 album On A Clear Night and especially this little gem  which still slays me every single time I listen to it.

I don't think the new album has the honesty behind it that the last one did, but it's definitely worth a listen. What do you think?

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