Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Heaven Is A Mumford & Sons Show

I might just be the luckiest girl in the world. I was able to snag some last minute tickets to last nights Mumford & Sons show at War Memorial Auditorium and it was like a spiritual experience. I was able to see M&S at Bonnaroo and I wasn't sure that anything could top it, but boy was I wrong. War Memorial was, hands down, the BEST venue in Nashville for them to play at [big ups
to AEG on that one] and the setting, combined with their lighting, combined with the pure musicianship was almost too much for this girl to handle! I got a little camera happy and thought I'd share a few pics with you guys. If, by some chance, you don't know who Mumford & Sons are, then stop what you are doing and run, don't walk, to your local record store and pick up "Sigh No More". You won't regret it, I promise.

Also, I missed the first opening band, but the direct support band, Cadillac Sky, was also really, really great. Check them out as well!

I was able to catch a little bit of video on wagon wheel. My apologies in advance for any queasiness you may experience.

1 comment:

Beth Fullerton said...

I think you are the luckiest girl. The only thing better would have been Mumford's with an Avett Bro on top. I can't believe I didn't see you at the bonnaroo set. John was with me. I've hired him to be my male escort to things my husband doesn't want to go to.