Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bigger is......Better?

Holy cow, Taco Bell. Holy cow. I won't lie, from time to time I enjoy your delicious concoctions [usually around 3 am on my way home from Red Door], but this might be a bit ridiculous for even me.

Taco Bell recently introduced their XXL Chalupa that is, based on the pictures below, as big as a hand.With 650 Calories, 39 grams of fat, and 1300 mg of sodium, you could either live off of this one meal alone for days, or die on the spot. That's a fun risk to take.

I personally think this is a call for the other fast food chains to step up their unhealthiness. KFC is the only other chain I can think of off the top of my head that serves their meals in boxes [we're not talking Big Mac boxes here folks- those are for amateurs] and, frankly, ever since they started offering the DoubleDown in a GRILLED version, I've lost a little respect for their stance on unhealthiness.

It's upsetting to me that I can't decide whether the pictures below are making me hungry or making me want to vomit.

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