Friday, March 12, 2010

Oh Lawd.

I'm starting to think that the reason MTV doesn't play Music Videos anymore is because they are now nine and a half minutes long. Shoo wee- what a waste. Is it because I don't like Lady Gaga that this music video seems absolutely ridiculous to me? First of all, I despise this song. I can just feel the line of thinking that was involved in writing it. "What kind of inanimate object can we write about today???? Hmmmm. Bing! Telephones." I'm currently writing a hit song about my stapler. So there Gaga.

I'm sure that everyone is going to lose it over this video and call it "artsy-fartsy" and all that jazz, but I don't like it. So there. And what's with the over the top Virgin Mobile product placement. Over. the. Top. Check out the [nine and a half minute long] video below and let me know what you think.

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