Friday, October 30, 2009

Dear Alicia Keys....

No with those boots. Just no.

Also, no to that jacket, no to those earrings, and no to the hair. But ESPECIALLY no to those boots.

This Absolutely Kills Me

Office fans UNITE. Subtle Sexuality has arrived. This literally made me laugh out loud.

Nashvillain Halloweenie

Are you guys excited about Halloween this year? I hope so because SOMEBODY should be. I for one am over. it. Why? I dunno. I'm basically a kid at heart and this is the best holiday to not act your age and actually be able to get away with it, but for some reason, I'm just not in the ghoulish spirit. I just can't seem to get on board this year. I have a costume idea, but none of the actual pieces, and lots of party invitations, but no actual plans.

To be fair, I've never been one of those people who gets super pumped about Halloween [I think it might have something to do with my brother and I being forced to dress up as Bible characters for trick or treating as children- that would scar anyone]. I'm more of a Christmas and Fourth of July kind of girl if we're being honest, but I've always appreciated Halloween for what it is. If we're really going to get down to the heart of the matter, I think the problem this year is this: I feel old. I'm not actually old- I know this. But I feel old. Let me tell you, it's not a feeling that I much care for- especially when it ruins Halloween.

Is it just me? Are you guys over Halloween this year too? I dont want to be over it, I just can't seem to get in the mood. Wah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. I'm going to change the name of this blog to "Your Friend Debbie Downer". Whether you're dressing up or staying home, I hope you all have a happy and safe Halloween. Mwah hahahahahah!!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Just Sayin'!

And, no one got me a Lil' Wayne birthday cake because.........????? You all FAIL.

lilwaynecake.jpg (430×456)

Am I the Only Person....

who sees the resemblance here?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Thats Scary!

I am ruin your Halloween. Dun Dun DUNNNNNNN!!!

Ever wondered what the nutritional breakdown on your favorite Halloween candy is? No? Too bad, I'm going to tell you anyway. You may never eat candy again- or, if you do, you'll feel SO GUILTY. mwah hahahahahaha. It's pure evil, I know. If I were you and I was reading my blog, I would skip this post. ;)

1 treat size (fun size)CaloriesFat (g)Sugar (g)
Reese's Peanut Butter Cup9058
Reese's Caramel Cup100511
Reese's Nutrageous955.57.5

1 treat size (fun size)CaloriesFat (g)Sugar (g)
Milky Way75310
Butterfinger Crisp1055.59
Milk Duds4026.3
Peanut M&M's934.79.1
Nestle Crunch51.32.75.6
Peppermint Pattie4718.6
Kit Kat733.7.67
Jelly Belly Jellybeans3507
3 Musketeers63.3210
Milky Way Dark81311
Hershey's Bar66.747.7
Take 51055.59
100 Grand95411
Mike & Ike5009
Charleston Chew Minis (13 pieces)180522
Babe Ruth85410
Health Bar774.78.7
Almond Joy915.19.2

To give you a comparison, an apple is about 50-80 calories.

Monday, October 26, 2009

I Will Buy This- Trust

It looks like the Olsen Twins [you know the ones], creators of lines like The Row and Elizabeth and James, will be putting out a lower price pointed line for JCPenney called Olsenboye. The line will be out November 6th and will be in 50 high profile Pennys around the country [read: probably not in Nashville. Boo hiss]. I don't care if I DO have to go to a JCPenney's to get this line, I will do it. I loooove the clothes that the Olsen's design, but unfortunately my line of work does not allow me to spend $600 on a tshirt. JCPenny's, here I come!

Olsenboye will consist of casual sportswear and accessories, retailing for between $20 and $50. And while the collection is slated to officially launch for Spring 2010, starting Nov. 6, a select 50 stores will receive an advanced offering.

The collection takes its inspiration from teen trends around the world and each collection will highlight a different city. Authentic globetrotter details, like travel trunks, passport stamps and luggage stickers will appear throughout the brand's marketing, labeling and in-store displays.

Love Tyler James?

Me too! Today you can stream his brand new album, It Took The Fire, on his site The cd doesn't come out til February, so this is a great way to check it out way in advance. I'm listening now and so far I'm loving every minute. Check it out and tell your friends!

Say What You Will...

....about Taylor Swift, but I think its so self absorbed to date someone with the same name as you. Just let me hate on her for a minute, will you? Sheesh.

Also, isn't he like 17? She's going to be 20 next month. Um, that's weird.

Did I Hear You Say....

...that you feel like dancing? I thought so.

Bulletproof - La Roux

Do I Hate This Song...?

....or kind of like it?

Ever Wondered.....

What it would sound like if Imogen Heap covered a Michael Jackson classic? Well, wonder no more! I present to you "Thriller" in the style of IH [thanks Whitney!].

That Is Not A Dress: The Dora Edition

Dear Dora the Explorer:

That is not a dress. Those are Not Pants. Quit using drugs- I can tell by your glassy eyes that you were LIT UP during this photo shoot. Can't we just go back to the way things were???



Did anyone catch the Bon Jovi documentary, "When We Were Beautiful" on Showtime this weekend? It was reeeally good. It also made me super excited for the Bon Jovi show this coming spring in Nashville. Done and Done sir.

Let's Have A Sneak Peek...

at some new Carrie Underwood music. This song is a bit sappy for Music Monday but I'm just obsessed with it right now [maybe its all the weddings that happened this weekend]. I predict a new "Wedding Favorite" with this one. It's good, sooooo good. ;)

You Know You Want It

I really enjoy this new Alicia Keys song, but it doesn't really sound like her at all. It's very, VERY poppy with a way less R&B sound than we are used to, but I gotta say- I like it! It seemed like seh started the move towards a more Top 40 sound with her last album. What are your thoughts?


The new Miranda Lambert album, Revolution, is goooooood. You should buy it immediately. Even Carrie Underwood said that she would lose an award to Miranda any day and that she is the most underrated woman in country music [which I completely agree with. I didn't know Carrie could HAVE more points in my book, but she officially does now]. Here are two, count them, TWO videos from Mirandas newest album, the lead single Dead Flowers [loooooooooooooooooove] and White Liar.


My dear sweet Nashville boyfriend, Matthew Perryman Jones, has a video out for my most favoritest song of his "Save You". Please see, enjoy, and love below.

Friday, October 23, 2009

That Is Not A Dress: The Aye Mami Edition

Sheesh lady- put them thighs away!

This Feels So Wrong

I always thought that Mr. Schuster from Glee was kinda hot, but now I'm just not sure...

The bottoms, shoes and socks are throwing me off, right? He's actually quite attractive, right? For some reason, I feel like vomiting. Maybe its the underlying fear that the principal will find out.

Good News Guys...

Jodie Sweetin [yes, that Jodie Sweetin] has a new memoir out. The title? [I dont think you're ready....]. Unsweetined. Booyah! We didn't think she would go there, but she did. Congrats Jodie. Evidently, you're still on meth.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rihanna - The Wait Is Ova - NOV.23.09

This song is sick. I love Rihanna but there are certain things about her voice that are obnoxious to me, and none of them exist in this song. LOVE IT. Click on the widget below to check out the new single.

Lookin Svelte!

Mandy Moore is looking so thin and pretty!

I hope she doesn't get tooo skinny though. I've always loved her for looking like a real girl. keep the curves sista!

Tranny, Tranny Messes

Who let these two hang out together??


OH MY LAWD. Seriously, what has happened to Lindsay Lohan??

LOOK AT HER FACE!!!! Remember how pretty she used to be? And that jacket and gold lame dress- is she TRYING to look like a grandma? Because she. is. succeeding.

Filed Under: No Ma'am!

Hell to tha NO with that hair.

Me thinks someone needs some counseling. It can't be easy recovering after getting a smack down from the love of your life, having to endure a trial about it, and having said smacker downer release a love song for you, but geez RiRi, don't take it out on your hair!

Monday, October 19, 2009


I'm Still Not Sure....

....if I'm on board with this song. But I do love Carrie. What are your thoughts?


I'm behind, I know, I know. I'll try to make it up for you. Not sure how much new music I'll have for you kids but I'll try to at least make it GOOD.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Not a Joke

H1N1 is REAL. And this little boy knows it.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Rainbow Brite got a makeover and it gives me a terrible case of the sads. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! And I can guarantee you, Rainbow Brite wasn't broke[n]. What's next? Strawberry Shortcake? The Care Bears? Bert and Ernie???? For Pete's sake- stop the insanity!!!

The is the Rainbow Brite we all know and love:

And this is the new version:

What a slut.

New Music Thursday

Love the Swell Season? Me too! You can listen to their new cd Strict Joy on NPRs website for FREE all day today. Check it out here.


It's Thursday at 8:30 pm CST- do you know where your friends are?? I do- they're all watching 30 Rock!!!! HOLLER! It's like the gloom of October 2009 has disappeared, the sky has parted and the sun is shining because my favorite television show is BACK. I don't know how many times I have to tell you people, but if you aren't watching 30 Rock then you are SEVERELY missing out. Much like that time when I finally broke down and bought an iPod (after being made fun of in my college gym0 "Um, you don't have an iPod?"), this show will change your life.

Write it down and tell your friends- the season premiere is tonight at 9:30est/8:30cst. And now, I leave you with a little Kenneth.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I Don't Fully Understand...

this video. Or really the song. It seems a bit amateur for someone as pro as Mayer. But- he's my boyfriend and therefore I will love anything that he does. ;)

Monday, October 12, 2009