Monday, December 8, 2008


Ok guys, I haven't been terribly political on this blog since the election, but something has got me fired up and I felt like I needed to address it.

After about the 3rd email from a family member discussing how Barack Obama is probably not a natural born citizen, I got a little ticked off. I feel like this is the Salem Witch Trials! Are we on a witch hunt for Obama? Are we going to hang him over the lake if it turns out to be true? What is the matter with people?

In the last email that I received, it spoke of credible journalists that are asking serious questions- the article it reference was from an Internet News Site (not even a real paper!) from Tulsa, OK (no offense to Tulsa, but it's not exactly the epicenter of political expertise) and the article referenced a few ex lawyers, some bloggers, one random doctor, and just random people as the key folks who are challenging Obamas citizenship.

When did bloggers become credible journalists? Am I a credible journalist now? Does everything I say count as law because I have a blog- I gotta say, that's a power I could get on board with.

Here's the thing- do I think Obama should show his birth certificate? Sure. At this point, why not? It will hush the nay sayers and prove everyone wrong.

The real issue here is that people are uncomfortable with Obama being President and they are trying to find any reason they can to de-throne him from his new position. If we are so upset about him being President, then we need to really address why that is- and any information that you have gotten about him from an EMAIL CHAIN does not count! Take all of that away and what do we have left?

Only the color of his skin.

If you don't agree with his policies then that is one thing ( I voted for him and I dont agree with all of his policies)- but if you are against him because he is black, then you are un-American, not him.

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