Thursday, October 14, 2010

Her Blood Type Really IS Pinot Grigio

Ramona Singer, everyone's [least] favorite New York Housewife, is coming out with her own wine label. Que interesante! When I first heard about it, I made a joke that it would all be Pinot Grigio and no other varieties would be offered [for you non-Housewife watchers, Ramona is almost always drinking Pinot Grigio and she is almost always trashed off her ass]. HAHAHA, I"m so funny and, in this case, RIGHT, because her wine label IS only Pinot Grigio and in fact is called Ramona Singer Pinot Grigio. Oh boy. I can't wait to hear more about this on the next season. I bet Jill is fuming.

Ramona SInger of The Real Housewives of New York City to launch her own Pinot Grigio wine label.

According to inside sources, the wine is being produced in the Veneto region of Italy and will be part of Opici Wines. With 50 brands in its portfolio from such countries as France, Chile, Italy, Spain, South Africa and the United States, Opici Wines is an experienced and highly reputable player in the wine business.Ramona Singer Pinot Grigio will hit retail shelves in January 2011 will be priced at approximately $14.99. It will be represented nationally through Opici's distributor network covering close to 50 states.

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