Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Holy Shit

Kanye West is bringing some serious pain with his new music. "Power" is probably the best song that he's put out in at least two albums [Personally, "Jesus Walks" will always be a favorite]. Now he's announced that he's releasing an EP with Jay-Z called "Watch the Throne".

This past Friday [G.O.O.D Friday as Yeezy called it], he released a song called "Monster" from the EP on his blog. It features: [ are you ready? really really ready?] Jay-Z, Rick Ross, Nicki Minaj and Bon Iver. Whaaaaaaaaaat??? Bon Iver?? The king of depressing folk music is on a Kanye track? YES. And it WORKS. Kan and J are brilliant. And Nicki Minaj- I was a big fan just mere months ago, but she's starting to work my damn nerves. She's everywhere, on every single track that you hear on the radio [perhaps she's taking over for her mentor Lil Wayne while he's in the pokey?] but she doesn't even have a full length album of her own. However, this track is probably the best guest vocal that I've heard from her all summer.

Check out the track below [sorry for the crappy video- i had a hard time finding the song elsewhere]


Monday, August 30, 2010

This Is......Unexpected.

Fried Snickers. Fried Pickles. Fried Chicken. Fried Twinkies. Fried......Beer?

Oh you heard right ladies and gents, there is a new delicacy comin 'round the mountain and it is known as Fried Beer [Guinness to be exact]. It's creator, Mark Zable, takes ravioli pouches, pours in the Guinness, seals them, then deep fries them. It's quite inventive, but I'm still not sure that I'm interested in trying it. I'd probably be all about it if it weren't for that picture above. Something is not right there.

If you're a Texan, give the Fried Beer a test run at the Texas State Fair [where it's lucky that Fried Butter was invented last year]. Yeehaw!

New Music

Check out "Scissor Runner" by Jenny and Johnny below and then click on the widget to download it for FREE!!!

Emmy Time!

So, I've totally started sucking at Pop Culture Life and completely forgot that the Emmy's were on last night. God Bless The Internet because now we never have to worry about watching anything in real time.

The opening performance of the Emmy's was slightly brilliant [although why Kate Gosselin needed to be included is beyond me]. Tina Fey, Jimmy Fallon, the cast of Glee? I mean, it just doesn't get much better than that.


Its back guys- with a vengeance. Our first featured artist today is Lissie. If you haven't heard of her, please check out a few of my favorite songs below and then mosey on over to your favorite location for buying music and purchase her new album Catching a Tiger. I'll give this my money back guarantee stamp [to clarify, I'm not actually going to give you your money back if you don't like it. But don't worry- you'll like it.]

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Stop the Whining

I'm gonna hop up on my soap box for a second and screech about how annoyed I am with everyone bitching about how broke they are. Listen, I get it. I'M BROKE TOO. We're all broke. We're in our early [*cough* mid *cough] twenties, we work shitty ass jobs with long hours and little pay, and ITS A RECESSION OF EPIC PROPORTIONS. We. Are. All. Broke.

The difference is, some of us have never had money and have always had to work hard to make ends meet, therefore, we know how to budget and "survive" in these trying times.

So there. Quit bitching.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

Oh My Geez

By now, you have certainly all seen the "They Rapin Errebody Out Here" video, but have you heard the remix??? You probably have because I was a little slow on the uptake here, but thanks to Lenore I've been listening to the era-era-remix all day long. All I can really say is- enjoy!

Get It Kanye

Alright, we all know that Kanye has his moments, his rough spells if you will, but no one can deny that the man is a geeeeeniiiuuuuuuuus. Egotistical asshole? Sure. Worthy of the fans adoration? Probably not. Genius? Definitely so.

Last night after "The Jersey Shore", Kanye premiered his new mini-video for the first single off his upcoming album. "Power" is a stupid good song. It's progressive, but familiar enough to not alienate his fans ["808s and Heartbreaks" anyone?]. Check out the "painting" below.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Cousin Love

I feel like I learn a lot from my little cousin, Joy. With a 6 year age difference, she should really be learning things from me, but such is life.

After hearing about The Civil Wars from her good ole twitter, I had to check them out. I find them to be slightly depressing, but in the best kind of way. Check them out below.

Oh, and Joy also happens to be a fabulous photog. I stole this picture from her Facebook so you could all enjoy.

37721_415651569499_546524499_4293302_3859010_n.jpg (720×405)

Please Do.


Oh My Geez

Kourt, I love ya, but seriously?

I mean, you look fine, totally cute even, but THIS guy. He is wearing leopard print shoes. When are you going to realize that not only is he a douche, but fella is a homosexical. I dunno who's the father of that baby, but I'm fairly certain it isn't Scott.


Mad shout outs to my Diddy and Apes for getting me hooked on Local Natives. Try, you just try to not like it.