Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I Ain't Mad!

I was looking for some hot jamz to get my day going and my tired eyes landed on Miko's new album "The Origin Of Love". I've never really had feelings either way towards Mr. Miko, but I'm totally not mad at this album! He lost me a little around Song #10, but give it a try- you just might like it!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Favorite Video Of the Day!!!!!

This dog is obviously prepping for something that the rest of us can't possibly understand.


Trust me. Nashville kids, catch it live on October 18th!

Loving This

Happy Hump Day! Here's hoping Tuesday is slightly more low key than Wednesday was!

To help ensure Wednesday's peaceful success, I've got some peaceful music for you to start the day with.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I needed this little piece of Zen today. Anyone else having a Tuesday that feels way more like a Monday? Is the weekend here yet? Yeesh!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Get It Gurl

This song just made me wish it was rainy and cold [and that I had a bottle of wine ALL FOR ME].

He Has A Point

Snoop Dogg posted this list on his twitter earlier....

I mean, he's got a point. Do we really want a guy named Mitt to be our President? Does it get much weirder than that. His parents must have really liked baseball or something.

Let's Make Friday FUN

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Miss The Debates Last Night?

Me too. Need a simplified, musical version of what happened? Your Friend Lela has you covered.