Monday, June 18, 2012

More Music for your Monday

Grace Potter is one of those gals that rarely lets me down and her new album is definitely not a disappointment. Her sound continues to grow and evolve and a friend and I agreed that this new album is kind of like Fleetwood Mac/ Stevie Nicks and Florence and the Machine had a baby. Sounds weird, but it totally works. My only complaint is that none of her albums seem loud enough [if that makes sense?]. I'm sure it's something in the mixing OR perhaps I'm just too picky. What do you guys think about the new album?

More New Music For Your Monday!


Guys, you might not be able to rely on me for much these days, but I will always bring the music! Check out the new Brandi Carlile below. It is RIDICULOUSLY good. Such a fantastic album for summer. It's a shame that John Mayer can't tour because of his throat, because that would be quite the ticket if you ask me. Brandi and John's albums have similar vibes and an outdoor concert with the two of them would be a dream summer night for this girl. Enjoy!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Obsession of the Day

Music Monday Continues!

There has been SO much fantastic new music that has been released in the past few weeks that it's hard to keep up! If you've ever read this blog in the past, then you are probably well aware of the fact that I am a HUGE John Mayer fan. The man can hardly do wrong in my eyes but I will say that "Battle Studies" was not my favorite album that he's put out. With that being said, "Born and Raised" is the best album that Mayer has done in years, possibly the best of his career. It has a more acoustic feel than the past few and just feels more honest overall. Even if you think you aren't a John Mayer fan, just give it a shot- you might like it! ;)



Ok, guys, It's Music Monday! I've been super absent from the blog lately and I'm going to try to start posting more regularly again. Enjoy the music and have a great week!