Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Holy Bajoly

Last year, tittybabies everywhere peed their pants and slept with their blankies after watching Paranormal Activity. I saw the movie and found it to be satisfactory on the creepy level. It felt like a real life ghost story and I thought it was great.

Well NOW there's a Paranormal Activity 2 coming out and it looks like it could be EVEN CREEPIER. It has a baby AND a German Shepard. Now that's saying something.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Fiona Apple - Shadowboxer (Official Music Video) - Watch more top selected videos about: Fiona_Apple

NAS- Are you listening??

Timbs Might Need A Break

Timbaland has become [has been?] like Lil Wayne and is now working with anyone and everyone. Let me give a piece of advice there Timbs- take a break. A little vacation perhaps. Maybe when you come back you'll have some new beats.

I find this collaboration to be weird and I'm not really a big fan of the song. Your thoughts?

Today Will Be Called: Video Wednesday

If you don't know new to the scene female singer-songwriter Lissie, then you need to. Watch this video and then promptly download her EP Why You Runnin' and keep an eye out for her up-coming full length album Catching A Tiger [or you could probably find it online somewhere since it's already been released in the UK. Just don't be an asshole- purchase when it's released Stateside].

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Definition of UGLY

Just sayin'.



That's Better

I Swear I'm Not Depressed.....

This music is just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes. I'll try to make the next post a little brighter.


That's right folks, although he tried, Steve Jobs can't hold this girl down! Purchase Lala and then shut it down? No worries- I'll find another way MoFo. This girl is from COLUMBIA dammit.

Radiohead may or may not be the best way to start a Monday morning, but here we are anyway. I shares what I loves.

What In the Name of the Lord.....?

Confession time: I like Miley Cyrus. I do! She's just a sweet little kid from Nashville making relatively solid pop music. Southern charm and a good beat- what's not to like??

However, I was unaware until yesterday that she is actually a Chola princess from East L.A. Man, she fooled me! I mean, seriously, what in the name of the Lord is this outfit/performance? Someone please help me decipher.

Friday, June 18, 2010

For Britton....

And THIS is why Brasil will win the World Cup.

If the baby can dance that well, don't you think he should be able to piss in a pot? Just sayin!