Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Best Videos.......Continued!

Let's keep going with the best music videos of 2009.

#6 is held by The Avett Brothers, "Slight Figure of Speech". I happen to be a big fan of this one myself.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


The #7 Best Video of 2009 belongs to Chairlift for "Evident Utensil".

Merry Christmas......Happy Holidays

Free Music

That's cheap!

For all you Paper Route fans, they have a new, FREE, 3 song Christmas EP out.

Isn't it cute? Download the music HERE

Best Videos Continued....

I present to you, the Number Eight best video of 2009, Manchester Orchestra's "Shake it Out". In my opinion, it's #1, but whatevs SPIN.

You Should Know By Now....


I dont even care who the B list actor was, i just know he's kind of awesome. Killing dreams, one four year old at a time.

If you were at The Mall Of America this weekend in Minneapolis you might have seen this very good looking B- list actor from one of those network initial shows. He was walking through the mall when a woman stopped him and asked our actor for his autograph. No problem. The actor obliged and even took a photo. So, where is the Jackass behavior? Well, the actor asked the woman what she was doing in the mall. What, is this like pick up time? Anyway, she pointed down to her 4 year old twins and said they were about to get in line to see Santa. The actor then bent down to the kids and said, "You should know by now there is no Santa." He then walked away. (CDAN)

Best Videos of 2009....


The #9 Best Video of 2009 is.........She & Him "Why Do You Let Me Stay Here"

This Is Not Real

I feel like I'm watching a Christopher Guest movie here. This show is AMAZING! And by amazing i mean, pretty ridiculous.

Watch for the jazz hands!


I guess Rihanna wasn't tooooo embarassed when those nudie pics of her leaked, because here she is AGAIN, nude on the cover of a national mens magazine. What will her mama think?


Guys- I really suck at blog life right now. I'M SORRY. I'm trying desperately to get back in the groove. Today I'll be posting periodically Spins Top 10 Music Videos of 2009. Isn't it kind of sad that Spin, a print publication, has to put out their Top 10 videos. Shouldn't MTV or Vh1 be doing that since.......well, I dunno, since they're the Videos channels? Call me crazy.

ANYWHO, here's Spins #10 best video of 2009, Depeche Mode's "Wrong".

Depeche Mode - Wrong - directed by Patrick Daughters from Bruno Dejonghe on Vimeo.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Holy Cannoli

Remember when Mariah Carey used to be so pretty?? Me too. She looks kind of like a cross dresser in this video- and THAT'S coming from a huge fan. This video is pointless, but I adore the song so I'm posting anyway.


Do NOT go to Norway!!! There is some spooky scary Alien-esque bullshit going on over there. Have you seen these pictures?
Strange spiral: Residents in northern Norway were left stunned after the lightshow, which almost looked computer-generated, appeared in the skies above them

NO ONE KNOWS WHAT IT IS!!!! Not the scientists, not the military, NOOOOOOOO ONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNE. Start digging your shelters right now because if this thing shows up in MY sky, I am NOT sticking around to find out what it is. I'm going underground!

F**king Love This

I've totally sucked at posting lately and I COMPLETELY failed at Music Monday this week, so I'm trying to make it right by posting at least a few cool things today. I'm the biggest fan of mixes and mashups, so my gift to you today is "Southerngold", a mashup of Santigold's album mixed with various hip hop songs. Enjoy!

I Need More Kermit

This video absolutely made me cry tears. Tears of joy and laughter that is! HILARIOUS. I'm not sure how long this video has been around, but I'm PISSED that I just now saw it. Favorite part? "MAMA..............................MAMA...............................DADA?". Oh man. Enjoy!

Big Sigh

There was a lot of really awesome music on Late Night TV last night.......and I missed all of it. HISS. Thank Jebus [ or should I say Al Gore??] for the Internet.

Check out Passion Pit on Jimmy Kimmel and BlakRoc on Letterman [Yes, Letterman. Whoever books his talent must be AWESOME].

Monday, December 7, 2009


I'm trying guys, I'm trying. Music Monday will probably not be too active today, but let me see if I can get something on here. Chris Browns new album, Graffiti, is available on MTVs site, The Leak. Check it out and let me know what you think. He's sorry y'all!

In Honor of the Weekend....

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Justin Timberlake has Spencer Pratt hair! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Is this gonna be forever???

Man, I hope not. That hair belongs on NOBODY. It looks like flesh colored worms are crawling all over his head Meduca style. No thanks and No thanks JT. This better be for that dumb Facebook moving you're making [that no one is going to go see. Find a real script. Sheesh] .